Johnny Cash
Flesh And Blood

Beside a Singin' Mountain Stream
Where the Willow grew

Where the Silver Leaf of Maple
Sparkled in the Mornin' Dew
I braided Twigs of Willows
Made a String of Buckeye Beads;
But Flesh And Blood need Flesh And Blood
And you're the one I need
Flesh And Blood need Flesh And Blood
And you're the one I need.

I leaned against a Bark of Birch
And I breathed the Honey Dew
I saw a North-bound Flock of Geese
Against a Sky of Baby Blue
Beside the Lily Pads
I carved a Whistle from a Reed;
Mother Nature's quite a Lady
But you're the one I need
Flesh And Blood need Flesh And Blood
And you're the one I need.

A Cardinal sang just for me
And I thanked him for the Song
Then the Sun went slowly down the West
And I had to move along
These were some of the things

On which my Mind and Spirit feed;
But Flesh And Blood need Flesh And Blood
And you're the one I need
Flesh And Blood need Flesh And Blood
And you're the one I need.


So when this Day was ended
I was still not satisfied
For I knew ev'rything I touched
Would wither and would die
And Love is all that will remain
And grow from all these Seed;


Mother Nature's quite a Lady
But you're the one I need
Flesh And Blood need Flesh And Blood
And you're the one I need.

Mirror lyrics:

And you're the one I need.
Flesh And Blood need Flesh And Blood
But you're the one I need
Mother Nature's quite a Lady


And grow from all these Seed;
And Love is all that will remain
Would wither and would die
For I knew ev'rything I touched
I was still not satisfied
So when this Day was ended


And you're the one I need.
Flesh And Blood need Flesh And Blood
And you're the one I need
But Flesh And Blood need Flesh And Blood
On which my Mind and Spirit feed;

These were some of the things
And I had to move along
Then the Sun went slowly down the West
And I thanked him for the Song
A Cardinal sang just for me

And you're the one I need.
Flesh And Blood need Flesh And Blood
But you're the one I need
Mother Nature's quite a Lady
I carved a Whistle from a Reed;
Beside the Lily Pads
Against a Sky of Baby Blue
I saw a North-bound Flock of Geese
And I breathed the Honey Dew
I leaned against a Bark of Birch

And you're the one I need.
Flesh And Blood need Flesh And Blood
And you're the one I need
But Flesh And Blood need Flesh And Blood
Made a String of Buckeye Beads;
I braided Twigs of Willows
Sparkled in the Mornin' Dew
Where the Silver Leaf of Maple

Where the Willow grew
Beside a Singin' Mountain Stream

Relevant Tags:
FFlesh AAnd BBlood lesh nd lood lFesh nAd lBood clesh znd vlood cFlesh zAnd vBlood Fclesh Aznd Bvlood rlesh qnd glood
rFlesh qAnd gBlood Frlesh Aqnd Bglood glesh snd nlood gFlesh sAnd nBlood Fglesh Asnd Bnlood tlesh wnd hlood tFlesh wAnd hBlood
Ftlesh Awnd Bhlood vlesh xnd Bllood vFlesh xAnd Bood Fvlesh Axnd Bolod dlesh Annd Bkood dFlesh Ad Bklood Fdlesh Adn Blkood
Fllesh Amd Boood Fesh Amnd Bolood Felsh Anmd Bloood Fkesh Ahd Bpood Fklesh Ahnd Bplood Flkesh Anhd Blpood Foesh Ajd
Folesh Ajnd Blod Floesh Anjd Blood Fpesh Abd Blkod Fplesh Abnd Flpesh Anbd Blokod Fleesh Andd Bl9od Flsh An Bl9ood
Flseh And Blo9od Flssh Anx Bl0od Flsesh Anxd Bl0ood Flessh Andx Blo0od Fl3sh Ane Bllod Fl3esh Aned Fle3sh Ande Blolod
Flfsh Anf Bliod Flfesh Anfd Bliood Flefsh Andf Bloiod Flrsh Anr Flresh Anrd Flersh Andr Blodo

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