Joni Mitchell
A Melody In Your Name

Can you still remember how it all began?
With clipper ships and pink electric trees
Dawnlight on a skyline bridges' span
Street light on a rooftop memory

Then it was me and spring came
Playing a song of spring rain
A melody in your name

Night now comes much bluer than it used to be
The pink nun sings much sadder than before
She sings that sometimes things aren't what they seem to be
Like moons reflected on the sixteenth floor

Love is no more, it's ended
Paper and pins won't mend it
Even the moon pretended

There must be a reason, oh, there must be one
Keep your answers, let me find my own
Where do pretty stories get their endings from
If loving always leaves you all alone?

Kisses have shown me sorrow
Love is a throne to borrow
Pay for the loan tomorrow

Mirror lyrics:

Pay for the loan tomorrow
Love is a throne to borrow
Kisses have shown me sorrow

If loving always leaves you all alone?
Where do pretty stories get their endings from
Keep your answers, let me find my own
There must be a reason, oh, there must be one

Even the moon pretended
Paper and pins won't mend it
Love is no more, it's ended

Like moons reflected on the sixteenth floor
She sings that sometimes things aren't what they seem to be
The pink nun sings much sadder than before
Night now comes much bluer than it used to be

A melody in your name
Playing a song of spring rain
Then it was me and spring came

Street light on a rooftop memory
Dawnlight on a skyline bridges' span
With clipper ships and pink electric trees
Can you still remember how it all began?

Relevant Tags:
AA MMelody IIn YYour NName elody n our ame A eMlody nI oYur aNme z jelody jn gour mame zA jMelody jIn gYour mName Az Mjelody Ijn Ygour Nmame
q kelody 9n hour hame qA kMelody 9In hYour hName Aq Mkelody I9n Yhour Nhame s nelody ln 6our jame sA nMelody lIn 6Your jName As Mnelody Iln Y6our Njame
w Meelody on uour bame wA Mlody oIn uYour bName Aw Mleody Ion Yuour Nbame x Mslody kn 7our Naame xA Mselody kIn 7Your Nme Ax Meslody Ikn Y7our Nmae
M3lody 8n jour Nzme M3elody 8In jYour Nzame Me3lody I8n Yjour Nazme Mflody un tour Nqme Mfelody uIn tYour Nqame Meflody Iun Ytour Naqme
Mrlody Inn Yoour Nsme Mrelody I Yur Nsame Merlody In Yuor Nasme M4lody Im Ykur Nwme M4elody Imn Ykour Nwame Me4lody Inm Yokur Nawme
Mdlody Ih Y9ur Nxme Mdelody Ihn Y9our Nxame Medlody Inh Yo9ur Naxme Mwlody Ij Y0ur Namme Mwelody Y0our Nae Mewlody Inj Yo0ur Naem
Mellody Ib Ylur Naje Meody Ibn Ylour Najme Meoldy Inb Yolur Namje Mekody Yiur Nake Meklody Yiour Nakme Melkody Yoiur Namke
Meoody Youur Nane Meolody Yor Nanme Meloody Yoru Namne Mepody Yohr Namee Meplody Yohur Nam Melpody Youhr Name
Yo7r Nams Meldy Yo7ur Namse Meldoy You7r Names Melkdy Yokr Nam3 Nam3e Melokdy Youkr Name3

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