Jonathon Larson
Out Tonight

What's the time?
Well it's gotta be close to midnight.
My body's talking to me it says time for danger.
It says I wanna commit a crime.
Wanna be the cause of a fight.
Wanna put on a tight skirt and flirt with a stranger.
I've had a nack from way back. I'm breaking the rules once I learn the games.
Get up life's too quick, I know some place sick where this chick'll dance in the flames.
We don't need any money.
I always get in for free.
You can get in too if you get in with me.
Let's go out tonight.
I have to go out tonight.
You wanna play let's run away.
We won't be back before it's Christmas day.
Take me out tonight.
Meow hah! Ooohohoooh yeah.
When I get a wink from the doorman, do you know how lucky you'll be
that you're on line with the feline of avenue B.
Let's go out tonight.
I have to go out tonight.
You wanna prowl be my night owl.
Well take my hand we're gonna howl out tonight.
In the evening I've got to roll.
Can't sleep in the city of neon and chrome.
Feels too damn much like home when the spanish babies cry.
So let's find a bar so dark we forget who we are
And all the scars of the nevers and maybes die!
Let's go out tonight uhuh.
I have to go out tonight. uh uh uh uh oww!
Your sweet wanna hit the street.
Wanna wail at the moon like a cat in heat.
Just take me out tonight.
Please take me out tonight.
Don't forsake me out tonight.
I'll let you make me out tonight.
Tonight tonight tonight!

Mirror lyrics:

Tonight tonight tonight!
I'll let you make me out tonight.
Don't forsake me out tonight.
Please take me out tonight.
Just take me out tonight.
Wanna wail at the moon like a cat in heat.
Your sweet wanna hit the street.
I have to go out tonight. uh uh uh uh oww!
Let's go out tonight uhuh.
And all the scars of the nevers and maybes die!
So let's find a bar so dark we forget who we are
Feels too damn much like home when the spanish babies cry.
Can't sleep in the city of neon and chrome.
In the evening I've got to roll.
Well take my hand we're gonna howl out tonight.
You wanna prowl be my night owl.
I have to go out tonight.
Let's go out tonight.
that you're on line with the feline of avenue B.
When I get a wink from the doorman, do you know how lucky you'll be
Meow hah! Ooohohoooh yeah.
Take me out tonight.
We won't be back before it's Christmas day.
You wanna play let's run away.
I have to go out tonight.
Let's go out tonight.
You can get in too if you get in with me.
I always get in for free.
We don't need any money.
Get up life's too quick, I know some place sick where this chick'll dance in the flames.
I've had a nack from way back. I'm breaking the rules once I learn the games.
Wanna put on a tight skirt and flirt with a stranger.
Wanna be the cause of a fight.
It says I wanna commit a crime.
My body's talking to me it says time for danger.
Well it's gotta be close to midnight.
What's the time?

Relevant Tags:
OOut TTonight ut onight uOt oTnight kut fonight kOut fTonight Okut Tfonight 9ut 5onight 9Out 5Tonight O9ut T5onight 0ut honight
0Out hTonight O0ut Thonight lut yonight lOut yTonight Olut Tyonight iut 6onight iOut 6Tonight Oiut T6onight Ouut gonight Ot gTonight
Otu Tgonight Oht ronight Ohut rTonight Ouht Tronight O7t Toonight O7ut Tnight Ou7t Tnoight Okt Tknight Tkonight Oukt Toknight
Oit T9night T9onight Ouit To9night O8t T0night O8ut T0onight Ou8t To0night Ojt Tlnight Ojut Tlonight Oujt Tolnight Oyt Tinight
Oyut Tionight Ouyt Toinight Outt Tonnight Ou Toight Out Toinght Ouf Tomight Ouft Tomnight Outf Tonmight Ou5 Tohight Ou5t Tohnight
Out5 Tonhight Ouh Tojight Tojnight Outh Tonjight Ouy Tobight Tobnight Outy Tonbight Ou6 Toniight Ou6t Tonght Out6 Tongiht
Oug Tonjght Ougt Outg Tonijght Our Ton9ght Ourt Ton9ight Outr Toni9ght Tonlght Tonlight Tonilght Tonoght

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