Jonatha Brooke
What You Don't Know (dollhouse Theme)

What you don't know won't hurt you,
Maybe the lies are true,
Try to remember, try to forget,
Those yesterdays bleeding through.

You'll never see me coming,
You'll never know my name,
Try to remember, try to forget it,
But you'll never be the same.

I could do anything,
I could go anywhere,
I could be anything,
Or anyone tonight,

I could do anything,
(Just wanna sleep for a little while)
I could go anywhere,
(Just wanna sleep for a little while)
I could be anything,
(Just wanna sleep for a little while)
Or anyone tonight,

I'm already going, I'm already gone,
There's a stranger in my place,
You'll never find me, but I'll get along,
'Cos the angels know my face.

Mirror lyrics:

'Cos the angels know my face.
You'll never find me, but I'll get along,
There's a stranger in my place,
I'm already going, I'm already gone,

Or anyone tonight,
(Just wanna sleep for a little while)
I could be anything,
(Just wanna sleep for a little while)
I could go anywhere,
(Just wanna sleep for a little while)
I could do anything,

Or anyone tonight,
I could be anything,
I could go anywhere,
I could do anything,

But you'll never be the same.
Try to remember, try to forget it,
You'll never know my name,
You'll never see me coming,

Those yesterdays bleeding through.
Try to remember, try to forget,
Maybe the lies are true,
What you don't know won't hurt you,

Relevant Tags:
WWhat YYou DDon't KKnow ((dollhouse TTheme) hat ou on't now dollhouse heme) hWat oYu oDn't nKow d(ollhouse hTeme)
ahat gou xon't lnow (ddollhouse fheme) aWhat gYou xDon't lKnow (ollhouse fTheme) Wahat Ygou Dxon't Klnow (odllhouse Tfheme)
3hat hou eon't onow (xollhouse 5heme) 3What hYou eDon't oKnow (xdollhouse 5Theme) W3hat Yhou Deon't Konow (dxollhouse T5heme)
dhat 6ou fon't mnow (eollhouse hheme) dWhat 6You fDon't mKnow (edollhouse hTheme) Wdhat Y6ou Dfon't Kmnow (deollhouse Thheme)
ehat uou ron't jnow (follhouse yheme) eWhat uYou rDon't jKnow (fdollhouse yTheme) Wehat Yuou Dron't Kjnow (dfollhouse Tyheme)
shat 7ou con't inow (rollhouse 6heme) sWhat 7You cDon't iKnow (rdollhouse 6Theme) Wshat Y7ou Dcon't Kinow (drollhouse T6heme)
2hat jou son't Knnow (collhouse gheme) 2What jYou sDon't Kow (cdollhouse gTheme) W2hat Yjou Dson't Konw (dcollhouse Tgheme)
qhat tou Doon't Kmow (sollhouse rheme) qWhat tYou Dn't (sdollhouse rTheme) Wqhat Ytou Dno't Knmow (dsollhouse Trheme)
Whhat Yoou Dkn't Khow (doollhouse Wat Yu Dkon't Khnow (dllhouse Teme) Waht Yuo Dokn't Knhow (dlolhouse Tehme)
Wjat Yku D9n't Kjow (dkllhouse Tjeme) Wjhat Ykou D9on't (dkollhouse Tjheme) Whjat Yoku Do9n't Knjow (dokllhouse Thjeme)
Wuat Y9u D0n't Kbow (d9llhouse Tueme) Wuhat Y9ou D0on't Kbnow (d9ollhouse Tuheme) Whuat Yo9u Do0n't Knbow (do9llhouse Thueme)
Wnat Y0u Dln't Knoow (d0llhouse Tneme) Wnhat Y0ou Dlon't Knw (d0ollhouse Tnheme) Whnat Yo0u Doln't Knwo (do0llhouse Thneme)
Wbat Ylu Din't Knkw (dlllhouse Tbeme) Wbhat Ylou Dion't Knkow (dlollhouse Tbheme) Whbat Yolu Doin't Knokw (dolllhouse Thbeme)
Wgat Yiu Donn't Kn9w (dillhouse Tgeme) Wghat Yiou Do't Kn9ow (diollhouse Whgat Yoiu Do'nt Kno9w (doillhouse Thgeme)
Wyat Youu Dom't Kn0w Tyeme) Wyhat Yo Domn't Kn0ow (dolhouse Whyat You Donm't Kno0w (dollhouse Thyeme)
Whaat Yoh Doh't Knlw (doklhouse Theeme) Wht Yohu Dohn't Knlow Thme) Whta Youh Donh't Knolw (dolklhouse Thmee)
Whzt Yo7 Doj't Kniw (doolhouse Thsme) Whzat Yo7u Dojn't Kniow Thseme) Whazt You7 Donj't Knoiw (dololhouse Thesme)
Whqt Yok Dob't Knoww (doplhouse Th3me) Whqat Dobn't Kno (dopllhouse Th3eme) Whaqt Youk Donb't Know (dolplhouse The3me)
Whst Yoi Don''t Knoa Thfme) Whsat Dont Knoaw Thfeme) Whast Youi Dont' Knowa (dolhlouse Thefme)
Whwt Yo8 Don'tt Kno3 (dolkhouse Thrme) Whwat Yo8u Don' Kno3w Threme) Whawt You8 Don't Know3 (dollkhouse Therme)
Whxt Yoj Don'f Knod (dolohouse Th4me) Whxat Yoju Don'ft Knodw Th4eme) Whaxt Youj Don'tf Knowd (dollohouse The4me)
Whatt Yoy Don'5 Knoe (dolphouse Thdme) Wha Yoyu Don'5t Knoew Thdeme) What Youy Don't5 Knowe (dollphouse Thedme)
Whaf Don'h Knos (dollhhouse Thwme) Whaft Don'ht Knosw (dollouse Thweme) Whatf Don'th Knows (dollohuse Thewme)
Wha5 Don'y Kno2 (dolljouse Themme) Wha5t Don'yt Kno2w (dolljhouse Thee) What5 Don'ty Know2 (dollhjouse Theem)
Whah Don'6 Knoq (dolluouse Theje) Whaht Don'6t Knoqw (dolluhouse Thejme) Whath Don't6 Knowq (dollhuouse Themje)
Whay Don'g (dollnouse Theke) Whayt Don'gt (dollnhouse Thekme) Whaty Don'tg (dollhnouse Themke)
Wha6 Don'r (dollbouse Thene) Wha6t Don'rt (dollbhouse Thenme)

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