Jonatha Brooke
In The Gloaming

In the gloaming, oh my darling,
when the lights are soft and low
and the quiet shadows falling
softly come and softly go..

When the trees are sobbing faintly
with a gentle unknown woe,
will you think of me and love me,
as you did once long ago..?

In the gloaming, oh my darling,
think not bitterly of me.
Though I passed away in silence
left you lonely, set you free..

For my heart was tossed with longing,
what had been could never be.
It was best to leave you, thus, dear,
best for you and best for me..

In the gloaming, oh my darling,
when the lights are soft and low,
will you think of me and love me,
as you did once long ago..?

Mirror lyrics:

as you did once long ago..?
will you think of me and love me,
when the lights are soft and low,
In the gloaming, oh my darling,

best for you and best for me..
It was best to leave you, thus, dear,
what had been could never be.
For my heart was tossed with longing,

left you lonely, set you free..
Though I passed away in silence
think not bitterly of me.
In the gloaming, oh my darling,

as you did once long ago..?
will you think of me and love me,
with a gentle unknown woe,
When the trees are sobbing faintly

softly come and softly go..
and the quiet shadows falling
when the lights are soft and low
In the gloaming, oh my darling,

Relevant Tags:
IIn TThe GGloaming n he loaming nI hTe lGoaming jn fhe hloaming jIn fThe hGloaming Ijn Tfhe Ghloaming 9n 5he yloaming
9In 5The yGloaming I9n T5he Gyloaming ln hhe bloaming lIn hThe bGloaming Iln Thhe Gbloaming on yhe vloaming oIn yThe vGloaming
Ion Tyhe Gvloaming kn 6he floaming kIn 6The fGloaming Ikn T6he Gfloaming 8n ghe tloaming 8In gThe tGloaming I8n Tghe Gtloaming
un rhe Glloaming uIn rThe Goaming Iun Trhe Golaming Inn Gkoaming I Te Gkloaming In Teh Glkoaming Im Tje Gooaming
Imn Tjhe Goloaming Inm Thje Glooaming Ih Tue Gpoaming Ihn Tuhe Gploaming Inh Thue Glpoaming Ij Tne Tnhe Glaming
Inj Thne Glaoming Ib Tbe Glkaming Ibn Tbhe Inb Thbe Glokaming Tge Gl9aming Gl9oaming Thge Glo9aming
Tye Gl0aming Gl0oaming Thye Glo0aming Thee Gllaming Th The Glolaming Ths Gliaming
Thse Glioaming Thes Gloiaming Th3 Gloaaming Th3e Gloming The3 Glomaing Thf Glozming Thfe Glozaming
Thef Gloazming Thr Gloqming Thre Gloqaming Ther Gloaqming Th4 Glosming Th4e Glosaming The4 Gloasming
Thd Glowming Thde Glowaming Thed Gloawming Thw Gloxming

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