Johnny Paycheck
Kissing Yesterday Goodbye

(Johnny Paycheck)

Now look here ma'm Marie let's get something straight
She's gone and there's no need for us to cry
We can sit here on this stool kiss her picture and act like fools
When we should be kissing yesterday goodbye.

You know we should go home lay us down and get some rest
If we could sleep you know how time would fly
Ma'm Marie I don't know why you keep holdin' on the way you do
We should be kissing yesterday goodbye.

Yes, we should kiss yesterday goodbye and all the heartaches too
'Cause we both know there wasn't one time that she tried
We waste our time kissin' pictures and holdin' pillows every night
We should be kissing yesterday goodbye.

Yes, we should be kissing yesterday goodbye...

Mirror lyrics:

Yes, we should be kissing yesterday goodbye...

We should be kissing yesterday goodbye.
We waste our time kissin' pictures and holdin' pillows every night
'Cause we both know there wasn't one time that she tried
Yes, we should kiss yesterday goodbye and all the heartaches too

We should be kissing yesterday goodbye.
Ma'm Marie I don't know why you keep holdin' on the way you do
If we could sleep you know how time would fly
You know we should go home lay us down and get some rest

When we should be kissing yesterday goodbye.
We can sit here on this stool kiss her picture and act like fools
She's gone and there's no need for us to cry
Now look here ma'm Marie let's get something straight

(Johnny Paycheck)

Relevant Tags:
KKissing YYesterday GGoodbye issing esterday oodbye iKssing eYsterday oGodbye lissing gesterday hoodbye lKissing gYesterday hGoodbye
Klissing Ygesterday Ghoodbye oissing hesterday yoodbye oKissing hYesterday yGoodbye Koissing Yhesterday Gyoodbye missing 6esterday boodbye
mKissing 6Yesterday bGoodbye Kmissing Y6esterday Gboodbye jissing uesterday voodbye jKissing uYesterday vGoodbye Kjissing Yuesterday Gvoodbye
iissing 7esterday foodbye iKissing 7Yesterday fGoodbye Kiissing Y7esterday Gfoodbye jesterday toodbye Kssing jYesterday tGoodbye
Ksising Yjesterday Gtoodbye Kjssing testerday Gooodbye tYesterday Godbye Kijssing Ytesterday Goodbye K9ssing Yeesterday Gkodbye
K9issing Ysterday Gkoodbye Ki9ssing Yseterday Gokodbye Klssing Yssterday G9odbye Ysesterday G9oodbye Kilssing Yessterday Go9odbye
Kossing Y3sterday G0odbye Y3esterday G0oodbye Kiossing Ye3sterday Go0odbye Kkssing Yfsterday Glodbye Kkissing Yfesterday Gloodbye
Kikssing Yefsterday Golodbye K8ssing Yrsterday Giodbye K8issing Yresterday Gioodbye Ki8ssing Yersterday Goiodbye Kussing Y4sterday
Kuissing Y4esterday Kiussing Ye4sterday Godobye Kisssing Ydsterday Gokdbye Kising Ydesterday Kissing Yedsterday Gookdbye
Kizsing Ywsterday Go9dbye Kizssing Ywesterday Kiszsing Yewsterday Goo9dbye Kiwsing Go0dbye Kiwssing Yeterday
Kiswsing Yetserday Goo0dbye Kidsing Yezterday Goldbye Kidssing Yezsterday Kisdsing Yeszterday Gooldbye Kiesing Yewterday Goidbye
Kiessing Kisesing Yeswterday Gooidbye Kixsing Yedterday Gooddbye Kixssing Goobye Kisxsing Yesdterday Goobdye
Kiasing Yeeterday Gooxbye Kiassing Gooxdbye Kisasing Yeseterday Goodxbye Yexterday Gooebye Yexsterday Gooedbye
Kisisng Yesxterday Goodebye Kiszing Yeaterday Goofbye Yeasterday Goofdbye Kisszing Yesaterday Goodfbye Kiswing Yestterday Goorbye
Yeserday Goordbye Kisswing Yesetrday Goodrbye Kisding Yesferday Goocbye Yesfterday Goocdbye Kissding Yestferday Goodcbye
Kiseing Yes5erday Goosbye Yes5terday Goosdbye Kisseing Yest5erday Goodsbye Kisxing Yesherday Goodbbye Yeshterday Goodye
Kissxing Yestherday Goodybe Kisaing Yesyerday Goodvye Yesyterday Goodvbye Kissaing Yestyerday Goodbvye Kissiing Yes6erday Goodgye
Kissng Yes6terday Goodgbye Kissnig Yest6erday Goodbgye Kissjng Yesgerday Goodnye Kissjing Yesgterday Goodnbye Kissijng Yestgerday Goodbnye
Kiss9ng Yesrerday Goodhye Kiss9ing Yesrterday Goodhbye Kissi9ng Yestrerday Goodbhye Kisslng Yesteerday Goodbyye

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