Johnny Paycheck
Livin' In A House Full Of Love

(Billy Sherrill - Glenn Sutton)

Now love is pourin' through the windows, comin' through the door
And I can feel it creepin' through the cracks in the floor
Bouncin' off the walls and the ceilin' up above
Since I found you I'm livin' in a house of love.

All my life my heart's been walked on
Women said they loved me my how they talked on
Tellin' me lies and fillin' my eyes
With tears that I couldn't control
I couldn't get a hold of myself long enough to realize
They were only tryin' to pull the wool over my eyes
I found you then the skies turned blue
And I'm livin' in a house of love.

Now love is pourin' through the windows, comin' through the door
And I can feel it creepin' through the cracks in the floor
Bouncin' off the walls and the ceilin' up above
Since I found you I'm livin' in a house of love.

Well once I lived in a hole like a rabbit
Couldn't find love the blues were a habit
A lonely man and I couldn't understand
Why everything I tried went wrong
Till you came along bless your heart
And showed me the right way
You dried my eyes and turned my night to day
And I'm so proud I wanna holler out loud
Tell the world about my house of love.

Now love is pourin' through the windows, comin' through the door
And I can feel it creepin' through the cracks in the floor
Bouncin' off the walls and the ceilin' up above
Since I found you I'm livin' in a house of love.

Now love is pourin' through the windows, comin' through the door
And I can feel it creepin' through the cracks in the floor
Bouncin' off the walls and the ceilin' up above
Since I found you I'm livin' in a house of love.

Since I found you I'm livin' in a house of love...

Mirror lyrics:

Since I found you I'm livin' in a house of love...

Since I found you I'm livin' in a house of love.
Bouncin' off the walls and the ceilin' up above
And I can feel it creepin' through the cracks in the floor
Now love is pourin' through the windows, comin' through the door

Since I found you I'm livin' in a house of love.
Bouncin' off the walls and the ceilin' up above
And I can feel it creepin' through the cracks in the floor
Now love is pourin' through the windows, comin' through the door

Tell the world about my house of love.
And I'm so proud I wanna holler out loud
You dried my eyes and turned my night to day
And showed me the right way
Till you came along bless your heart
Why everything I tried went wrong
A lonely man and I couldn't understand
Couldn't find love the blues were a habit
Well once I lived in a hole like a rabbit

Since I found you I'm livin' in a house of love.
Bouncin' off the walls and the ceilin' up above
And I can feel it creepin' through the cracks in the floor
Now love is pourin' through the windows, comin' through the door

And I'm livin' in a house of love.
I found you then the skies turned blue
They were only tryin' to pull the wool over my eyes
I couldn't get a hold of myself long enough to realize
With tears that I couldn't control
Tellin' me lies and fillin' my eyes
Women said they loved me my how they talked on
All my life my heart's been walked on

Since I found you I'm livin' in a house of love.
Bouncin' off the walls and the ceilin' up above
And I can feel it creepin' through the cracks in the floor
Now love is pourin' through the windows, comin' through the door

(Billy Sherrill - Glenn Sutton)

Relevant Tags:
LLivin' IIn AA HHouse FFull OOf LLove ivin' n ouse ull f ove iLvin' nI A oHuse uFll fO oLve kivin' jn z jouse cull kf kove kLivin' jIn zA jHouse cFull kOf kLove
Lkivin' Ijn Az Hjouse Fcull Okf Lkove oivin' 9n q uouse rull 9f oove oLivin' 9In qA uHouse rFull 9Of oLove Loivin' I9n Aq Huouse Frull O9f Loove pivin' ln s nouse gull 0f pove
pLivin' lIn sA nHouse gFull 0Of pLove Lpivin' Iln As Hnouse Fgull O0f Lpove Liivin' on w bouse tull lf Lvin' oIn wA bHouse tFull lOf Lve Lviin' Ion Aw Hbouse Ftull Olf Lvoe
Ljvin' kn x gouse vull if Lkve Ljivin' kIn xA gHouse vFull iOf Lijvin' Ikn Ax Hgouse Fvull Oif Lokve L9vin' 8n youse dull Off L9ve L9ivin' 8In yHouse dFull O L9ove
Li9vin' I8n Hyouse Fdull Of Lo9ve Llvin' un Hoouse Fuull Oc L0ve Llivin' uIn Huse Fll Ocf L0ove Lilvin' Iun Huose Flul Ofc Lo0ve Lovin' Inn Hkuse Fhll Or Llve
I Hkouse Fhull Orf Llove Liovin' In Hokuse Fuhll Ofr Lolve Lkvin' Im H9use F7ll Og Live Imn H9ouse F7ull Ogf Liove Likvin' Inm Ho9use Fu7ll Ofg Loive
L8vin' Ih H0use Fkll Ot Lovve L8ivin' Ihn H0ouse Fkull Otf Loe Li8vin' Inh Ho0use Fukll Oft Loev Luvin' Ij Hluse Fill Ov Lobe Luivin' Hlouse Fiull Ovf Lobve
Liuvin' Inj Holuse Fuill Ofv Lovbe Livvin' Ib Hiuse F8ll Od Loce Liin' Ibn Hiouse F8ull Odf Locve Liivn' Inb Hoiuse Fu8ll Ofd Lovce Libin' Houuse Fjll Loge
Libvin' Hose Fjull Logve Livbin' Hosue Fujll Lovge Licin' Hohse Fyll Lofe Licvin' Hohuse Fyull Lofve Livcin' Houhse Fuyll Lovfe
Ligin' Ho7se Fulll Lovee Ligvin' Ho7use Ful Lov Livgin' Hou7se Full Love Lifin' Hokse Fukl Lovs Lifvin' Lovse
Livfin' Houkse Fulkl Loves

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