Johnny Mathis
When Sunny Gets Blue The Very Best Of Johnny Mathi

When Sunny gets blue,
Her eyes get gray and cloudy
Then the rain begins to fall
Pitter-patter, pitter-patter,
Love is gone so what can matter?
No sweet lovin' man comes to call

When Sunny gets blue,
She breathes a sigh of sadness
Like the wind that stirs the trees
Wind that sets the leaves to swayin'
Like some violins are playin'
Weird and haunting melodies

People used to love to-o-o hear her laugh,
See her smile
That's how she got her name
Since that sad affair she's lost her smile,
Changed her style
Somehow she's not the same

But memories will fade
And pretty dreams will rise up
Where her other dreams fell through

Hurry, new love, hurry here
To kiss away each lonely tear
And hold her near when Sunny gets blue

Hurry, new love, hurry here
To kiss away each lonely tear
And hold her near when Sunny gets blue

Mirror lyrics:

And hold her near when Sunny gets blue
To kiss away each lonely tear
Hurry, new love, hurry here

And hold her near when Sunny gets blue
To kiss away each lonely tear
Hurry, new love, hurry here

Where her other dreams fell through
And pretty dreams will rise up
But memories will fade

Somehow she's not the same
Changed her style
Since that sad affair she's lost her smile,
That's how she got her name
See her smile
People used to love to-o-o hear her laugh,

Weird and haunting melodies
Like some violins are playin'
Wind that sets the leaves to swayin'
Like the wind that stirs the trees
She breathes a sigh of sadness
When Sunny gets blue,

No sweet lovin' man comes to call
Love is gone so what can matter?
Pitter-patter, pitter-patter,
Then the rain begins to fall
Her eyes get gray and cloudy
When Sunny gets blue,

Relevant Tags:
WWhen SSunny GGets BBlue TThe VVery BBest OOf JJohnny MMathi hen unny ets lue he ery est f ohnny athi
hWen uSnny eGts lBue hTe eVry eBst fO oJhnny aMthi ahen zunny hets vlue fhe bery vest kf kohnny jathi
aWhen zSunny hGets vBlue fThe bVery vBest kOf kJohnny jMathi Wahen Szunny Ghets Bvlue Tfhe Vbery Bvest Okf Jkohnny Mjathi
3hen wunny yets glue 5he cery gest 9f iohnny kathi 3When wSunny yGets gBlue 5The cVery gBest 9Of iJohnny kMathi
W3hen Swunny Gyets Bglue T5he Vcery Bgest O9f Jiohnny Mkathi dhen dunny bets nlue hhe gery nest 0f mohnny nathi
dWhen dSunny bGets nBlue hThe gVery nBest 0Of mJohnny nMathi Wdhen Sdunny Gbets Bnlue Thhe Vgery Bnest O0f Jmohnny Mnathi
ehen eunny vets hlue yhe fery hest lf nohnny Maathi eWhen eSunny vGets hBlue yThe fVery hBest lOf nJohnny Mthi
Wehen Seunny Gvets Bhlue Tyhe Vfery Bhest Olf Jnohnny Mtahi shen xunny fets Bllue 6he Veery Beest if hohnny Mzthi
sWhen xSunny fGets Bue 6The Vry Bst iOf hJohnny Mzathi Wshen Sxunny Gfets Bule T6he Vrey Bset Oif Jhohnny Mazthi
2hen aunny tets Bkue ghe Vsry Bsst Off uohnny Mqthi 2When aSunny tGets Bklue gThe Vsery Bsest O uJohnny Mqathi
W2hen Saunny Gtets Blkue Tghe Vesry Besst Of Juohnny Maqthi qhen Suunny Geets Boue rhe V3ry B3st Oc Joohnny Msthi
qWhen Snny Gts Bolue rThe V3ery B3est Ocf Jhnny Msathi Wqhen Snuny Gtes Bloue Trhe Ve3ry Be3st Ofc Jhonny Masthi
Whhen Shnny Gsts Bpue Vfry Bfst Or Jkhnny Mwthi Wen Shunny Gsets Bplue Te Bfest Orf Mwathi
Wehn Suhnny Gests Blpue Teh Vefry Befst Ofr Jokhnny Mawthi Wjen S7nny G3ts Bluue Tje Vrry Brst Og J9hnny Mxthi
Wjhen S7unny G3ets Ble Tjhe Vrery Brest Ogf J9ohnny Mxathi Whjen Su7nny Ge3ts Bleu Thje Verry Berst Ofg Jo9hnny Maxthi
Wuen Sknny Gfts Blhe Tue V4ry B4st Ot J0hnny Matthi Wuhen Skunny Blhue Tuhe V4ery B4est Otf J0ohnny Mahi
Whuen Suknny Gefts Bluhe Thue Ve4ry Be4st Oft Jo0hnny Mahti Wnen Sinny Grts Bl7e Tne Vdry Bdst Ov Jlhnny Mafhi
Wnhen Siunny Grets Bl7ue Tnhe Vdery Bdest Ovf Jlohnny Mafthi Whnen Suinny Gerts Blu7e Thne Vedry Bedst Ofv Jolhnny Matfhi
Wben S8nny G4ts Blke Tbe Vwry Bwst Od Jihnny Ma5hi Wbhen S8unny G4ets Tbhe Vwery Bwest Odf Ma5thi
Whben Su8nny Ge4ts Bluke Thbe Vewry Bewst Ofd Joihnny Mat5hi Wgen Sjnny Gdts Blie Tge Johhnny Mahhi
Wghen Sjunny Gdets Bliue Vey Bet Jonny Mahthi Whgen Sujnny Gedts Bluie Thge Veyr Bets Jonhny Mathhi
Wyen Synny Gwts Bl8e Tye Vedy Bezt Jojnny Mayhi Wyhen Syunny Gwets Bl8ue Bezst Jojhnny Maythi
Whyen Suynny Gewts Blu8e Thye Verdy Beszt Johjnny Matyhi Wheen Sunnny Getts Blje Thee Ve4y Bewt Jounny Ma6hi
Whn Suny Ges Bljue Th Jouhnny Ma6thi Whne Sunny Gest Bluje The Ver4y Beswt Johunny Mat6hi
Whsn Sumny Gefs Blye Ths Vegy Bedt Jonnny Maghi Whsen Sumnny Blyue Thse Vegry Jonhnny Magthi

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