Johnny Mathis
I'll Buy You A Star

There's nothing that I know here on this earth

Good enough for you

So if I want to show you all your worth

I'd have to try shopping up in the sky

I'll buy you a star

Not just a star but the best one in the sky

You'll have a cloud to sleep on

A cloud as light as an angel's sigh

A fine silver chain

Made from the rain of a summer afternoon

I'll buy you a star, my darling

But I won't rest until I buy the moon

A fine silver chain

Made from the rain of a summer afternoon

I'll buy you a star, my darling

But I won't rest until I buy the moon

But I won't rest until I buy the moon

Mirror lyrics:

But I won't rest until I buy the moon

But I won't rest until I buy the moon

I'll buy you a star, my darling

Made from the rain of a summer afternoon

A fine silver chain

But I won't rest until I buy the moon

I'll buy you a star, my darling

Made from the rain of a summer afternoon

A fine silver chain

A cloud as light as an angel's sigh

You'll have a cloud to sleep on

Not just a star but the best one in the sky

I'll buy you a star

I'd have to try shopping up in the sky

So if I want to show you all your worth

Good enough for you

There's nothing that I know here on this earth

Relevant Tags:
II'll BBuy YYou AA SStar 'll uy ou tar 'Ill uBy oYu A tSar j'll vuy gou z ztar jI'll vBuy gYou zA zStar Ij'll Bvuy Ygou Az Sztar
9'll guy hou q wtar 9I'll gBuy hYou qA wStar I9'll Bguy Yhou Aq Swtar l'll nuy 6ou s dtar lI'll nBuy 6You sA dStar Il'll Bnuy Y6ou As Sdtar
o'll huy uou w etar oI'll hBuy uYou wA eStar Io'll Bhuy Yuou Aw Setar k'll Buuy 7ou x xtar kI'll By 7You xA xStar Ik'll Byu Y7ou Ax Sxtar
8'll Bhy jou atar 8I'll jYou aStar I8'll Buhy Yjou Satar u'll B7y tou Sttar uI'll B7uy tYou Sar Iu'll Bu7y Ytou Satr
I''ll Bky Yoou Sfar Ill Bkuy Yu Sftar Il'l Buky Yuo Stfar I'lll Biy Yku S5ar I'l Biuy Ykou S5tar I'll Buiy Yoku St5ar
I'kl B8y Y9u Shar I'kll B8uy Y9ou Shtar I'lkl Bu8y Yo9u Sthar I'ol Bjy Y0u Syar I'oll Bjuy Y0ou Sytar I'lol Bujy Yo0u Styar
I'pl Byy Ylu S6ar I'pll Byuy Ylou S6tar I'lpl Buyy Yolu St6ar Yiu Sgar Bu Yiou Sgtar Buy Yoiu Stgar
I'lk Bug Youu Srar Bugy Yo Srtar

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