Out To Every Nation

I was born to be a storytelling man
I spread the word across the land
A voice of hope a chant for peace
That's my way that's my release

Rainbow shaker on a unicorn ride
I spread my dreams across the sky
No more howling winds of war
Give me power hear my roar... Yeyeahhh

I'm calling all stations
Earth is ringing the bell
Out to every nation
There's a warning to tell
Feel the mountains tremble
See the floods of despair
Stormy sea only you and me
Can make the world see

Been digging deep into my soul
Before I found what I was loocking for
So hard to heal the damage done
Keeping memories as the song goes on

I play my music till I die
Around the world you hear my cry
And I thank you all for joining the sound
Restless hearts unite as one... Oh yeahhh

I'm calling all stations
Earth is ringing the bell
Out to every nation
There's a warning to tell
Feel the mountains tremble
See the floods eveywhere
Stormy sea you and me
Will make the world see

Who is your ally
In this world of terrorism
Who is your ally
In this world of terror

I was born to be a storytelling man
I spread the word across the land
Across the land

I'm calling all stations
Earth is ringing the bell
Out to every nation
There's a warning to tell
Feel the mountains tremble
See the floods eveywhere
Stormy sea you and me
Will make the world see
I'm calling all stations
I'm calling you
Can you hear me... yes
I'm calling all stations
Out to every nation
I'm calling you
Feel the mountains tremble... Oh Lord
Stormy sea you and me
Can make the world see

Mirror lyrics:

Can make the world see
Stormy sea you and me
Feel the mountains tremble... Oh Lord
I'm calling you
Out to every nation
I'm calling all stations
Can you hear me... yes
I'm calling you
I'm calling all stations
Will make the world see
Stormy sea you and me
See the floods eveywhere
Feel the mountains tremble
There's a warning to tell
Out to every nation
Earth is ringing the bell
I'm calling all stations

Across the land
I spread the word across the land
I was born to be a storytelling man

In this world of terror
Who is your ally
In this world of terrorism
Who is your ally

Will make the world see
Stormy sea you and me
See the floods eveywhere
Feel the mountains tremble
There's a warning to tell
Out to every nation
Earth is ringing the bell
I'm calling all stations

Restless hearts unite as one... Oh yeahhh
And I thank you all for joining the sound
Around the world you hear my cry
I play my music till I die

Keeping memories as the song goes on
So hard to heal the damage done
Before I found what I was loocking for
Been digging deep into my soul

Can make the world see
Stormy sea only you and me
See the floods of despair
Feel the mountains tremble
There's a warning to tell
Out to every nation
Earth is ringing the bell
I'm calling all stations

Give me power hear my roar... Yeyeahhh
No more howling winds of war
I spread my dreams across the sky
Rainbow shaker on a unicorn ride

That's my way that's my release
A voice of hope a chant for peace
I spread the word across the land
I was born to be a storytelling man

Relevant Tags:
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9ut 5o 3very hation 9Out 5To 3Every hNation O9ut T5o E3very Nhation 0ut ho fvery jation 0Out hTo fEvery jNation O0ut Tho Efvery Njation
lut yo rvery bation lOut yTo rEvery bNation Olut Tyo Ervery Nbation iut 6o 4very Naation iOut 6To 4Every Ntion Oiut T6o E4very Ntaion
Ouut go dvery Nztion Ot gTo dEvery Nzation Otu Tgo Edvery Naztion Oht ro wvery Nqtion Ohut rTo wEvery Nqation Ouht Tro Ewvery Naqtion
O7t Too Evvery Nstion O7ut T Eery Nsation Ou7t To Eevry Nastion Okt Tk Ebery Nwtion Tko Ebvery Nwation Oukt Tok Evbery Nawtion
Oit T9 Ecery Nxtion T9o Ecvery Nxation Ouit To9 Evcery Naxtion O8t T0 Egery Nattion O8ut T0o Egvery Naion Ou8t To0 Evgery Naiton
Ojt Tl Efery Nafion Ojut Tlo Naftion Oujt Tol Evfery Natfion Oyt Ti Eveery Na5ion Oyut Tio Evry Na5tion Ouyt Toi Evrey Nat5ion
Outt Evsry Nahion Ou Evsery Nahtion Out Evesry Nathion Ouf Ev3ry Nayion Ouft Ev3ery Naytion Outf Eve3ry Natyion
Ou5 Evfry Na6ion Ou5t Na6tion Out5 Evefry Nat6ion Ouh Evrry Nagion Evrery Nagtion Outh Everry Natgion
Ouy Ev4ry Narion

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