John Wesley
Rome Is Buring

High upon a hill
Looking over the ruins burning still
Where was I for all of this.
Where was I for all of this.

You never looked so bad she said
I didn't know I could do all this she said
I didn't know all this could burn with just a kiss
Burn with just a kiss
I didn't know

You didn't notice Rome was burning
You didn't notice you had the flame still in your hands
Why didn't you notice Rome was burning

As the passion filled your eyes
You couldn't see to find the home you'd left behind
Like all the lovers that live blind
Lovers that live blind
No you couldn't see

You didn't notice Rome was burning
You didn't notice you had the flame still in your hands
Why didn't you notive Rome was burning

Mirror lyrics:

Why didn't you notive Rome was burning
You didn't notice you had the flame still in your hands
You didn't notice Rome was burning

No you couldn't see
Lovers that live blind
Like all the lovers that live blind
You couldn't see to find the home you'd left behind
As the passion filled your eyes

Why didn't you notice Rome was burning
You didn't notice you had the flame still in your hands
You didn't notice Rome was burning

I didn't know
Burn with just a kiss
I didn't know all this could burn with just a kiss
I didn't know I could do all this she said
You never looked so bad she said

Where was I for all of this.
Where was I for all of this.
Looking over the ruins burning still
High upon a hill

Relevant Tags:
RRome IIs BBuring ome s uring oRme sI uBring dome js vuring dRome jIs vBuring Rdome Ijs Bvuring 4ome 9s guring 4Rome 9Is gBuring
R4ome I9s Bguring gome ls nuring gRome lIs nBuring Rgome Ils Bnuring tome os huring tRome oIs hBuring Rtome Ios Bhuring 5ome ks Buuring
5Rome kIs Bring R5ome Iks Bruing fome 8s Bhring fRome 8Is Rfome I8s Buhring eome us B7ring eRome uIs B7uring Reome Ius Bu7ring
Roome Iss Bkring Rme I Bkuring Rmoe Is Bukring Rkme Iz Biring Rkome Izs Biuring Rokme Isz Buiring R9me Iw B8ring R9ome Iws B8uring
Ro9me Isw Bu8ring R0me Id Bjring R0ome Ids Bjuring Ro0me Isd Bujring Rlme Ie Byring Rlome Ies Byuring Rolme Ise Buyring Rime Ix Burring
Riome Ixs Buing Roime Isx Buirng Romme Ia Buding Roe Ias Budring Roem Isa Burding Roje Bu4ing Rojme Bu4ring Romje Bur4ing
Roke Buging Bugring Romke Burging Rone Buting Ronme Butring Romne Burting Romee Bu5ing Rom Bu5ring
Rome Bur5ing Roms Bufing Romse Bufring Romes Burfing

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