John Wesley Harding
After The Fact

There is a room that you just now walked out of

It has everything in it but you

There's a mirror that knew what you looked like

And a door that has ruined the view

There's a carpet depressed by your footsteps

A hallway which echoes their sound

There's an arrow that points to the exit

And a lift that goes no further down, no further down

There's a stage play that shows every evening

With no prompter, no plot and no lines

The actors don't know what they're doing

They improvise all of their lives

And the action's all happening offstage

Where the props meet the actual things

Someone saw you with a gun in your hand

I heard the report from the wings

You say you're leaving

When I know that you're gone

After the fact, you'll be back

But long after the song

If ever I try to run after

The ceiling reveals the sky

The carpet is pulled out from under

The walls disappear in the flies

Behind them, the lenses of cameras

They all want a piece of us now

The story behind the unmaking

The what and the why and the how

Excuse if I choose not to bow

You say you're leaving

When I know that you're gone

After the fact, you'll be back

But long after the song is gone

After the fact, you'll be gone

But long after the song

Mirror lyrics:

But long after the song

After the fact, you'll be gone

But long after the song is gone

After the fact, you'll be back

When I know that you're gone

You say you're leaving

Excuse if I choose not to bow

The what and the why and the how

The story behind the unmaking

They all want a piece of us now

Behind them, the lenses of cameras

The walls disappear in the flies

The carpet is pulled out from under

The ceiling reveals the sky

If ever I try to run after

But long after the song

After the fact, you'll be back

When I know that you're gone

You say you're leaving

I heard the report from the wings

Someone saw you with a gun in your hand

Where the props meet the actual things

And the action's all happening offstage

They improvise all of their lives

The actors don't know what they're doing

With no prompter, no plot and no lines

There's a stage play that shows every evening

And a lift that goes no further down, no further down

There's an arrow that points to the exit

A hallway which echoes their sound

There's a carpet depressed by your footsteps

And a door that has ruined the view

There's a mirror that knew what you looked like

It has everything in it but you

There is a room that you just now walked out of

Relevant Tags:
AAfter TThe FFact fter he act fAter hTe aFct zfter fhe cact zAfter fThe cFact Azfter Tfhe Fcact qfter 5he ract qAfter 5The rFact
Aqfter T5he Fract sfter hhe gact sAfter hThe gFact Asfter Thhe Fgact wfter yhe tact wAfter yThe tFact Awfter Tyhe Ftact xfter 6he vact
xAfter 6The vFact Axfter T6he Fvact Affter ghe dact Ater gThe dFact Atfer Tghe Fdact Acter rhe Faact Acfter rThe Fct Afcter Trhe Fcat
Arter Fzct Arfter Te Fzact Afrter Teh Fazct Agter Tje Fqct Agfter Tjhe Fqact Afgter Thje Faqct Atter Tue Fsct Atfter Tuhe Fsact
Aftter Thue Fasct Avter Tne Fwct Avfter Tnhe Fwact Afvter Thne Fawct Adter Tbe Fxct Adfter Tbhe Fxact Afdter Thbe Faxct Tge Facct
Afer Fat Afetr Thge Fatc Affer Tye Faft Fafct Aftfer Thye Facft Af5er Thee Faxt Af5ter Th Aft5er The Facxt
Afher Ths Favt Afhter Thse Favct

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