John Taglieri
The Two Sides Of Love

Not too long ago I thought I had it all
Love came along and stole my heart and I too the fall
But then another came along and the fire started burning again
Now I just don't know which way to turn
'Cause I'm caught between
The two sides of love
Between what's real and what's fantasy
Between the two sides of love

Heads don't always win and tails don't always lose
It's not always clear just what you've got to chose
My heart's running in circles and I just can't keep the pace
I never wanted to be in the race
'Cause I'm caught between
The two sides of love
Between what's real and what's fantasy
Between the two sides of love

Caught between a flame and a fire
Caught between a love and desire
Tell me what am I supposed to do
'Cause I'm caught
'Cause I'm caught between
The two sides of love
Between what's real and what's fantasy
Between the two sides of love

Mirror lyrics:

Between the two sides of love
Between what's real and what's fantasy
The two sides of love
'Cause I'm caught between
'Cause I'm caught
Tell me what am I supposed to do
Caught between a love and desire
Caught between a flame and a fire

Between the two sides of love
Between what's real and what's fantasy
The two sides of love
'Cause I'm caught between
I never wanted to be in the race
My heart's running in circles and I just can't keep the pace
It's not always clear just what you've got to chose
Heads don't always win and tails don't always lose

Between the two sides of love
Between what's real and what's fantasy
The two sides of love
'Cause I'm caught between
Now I just don't know which way to turn
But then another came along and the fire started burning again
Love came along and stole my heart and I too the fall
Not too long ago I thought I had it all

Relevant Tags:
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Twwo Sjdes Or Llve Te To Sjides Orf Llove Teh Tow Sijdes Ofr Lolve Tje Tao S9des Og Live Tjhe Tawo S9ides Ogf Liove Thje Twao Si9des Ofg Loive
Tue T3o Sldes Ot Lovve Tuhe T3wo Slides Otf Loe Thue Tw3o Sildes Oft Loev Tne Tdo Sodes Ov Lobe Tnhe Tdwo Soides Ovf Lobve Thne Twdo Siodes Ofv Lovbe
Tbe Teo Skdes Od Loce Tbhe Tewo Skides Odf Locve Thbe Tweo Sikdes Ofd Lovce Tge Tso S8des Loge Tswo S8ides Logve Thge Twso Si8des Lovge
Tye T2o Sudes Lofe T2wo Suides Lofve Thye Tw2o Siudes Lovfe Thee Tqo Siddes Lovee Th Tqwo Sies Lov The Twqo Sieds Love
Ths Twoo Sixes Lovs Thse Tw Sixdes Lovse Thes Two Sidxes Loves

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