John Rich
Shuttin' Detroit Down

My daddy taught me in this country everyone's the same.
You work hard for your dollar and you never pass the blame,
When it don't go your way.
Now I see all these big shots whining on my evening news,
About how they're losing billions and it's up to me and you
To come running to the rescue.

Well pardon me if I don't shed a tear.
They're selling make believe and we don't buy that here.

Because in the real world they're shuttin' Detroit down,
While the boss man takes his bonus-paid jets on out of town.
DC's bailing out them bankers as the farmers auction ground.
Yeah while they're living up on Wall Street in that New York City town,
Here in the real world they're shuttin' Detroit down.
Here in the real world they're shuttin' Detroit down.

Well that old man's been working in that plant most all his life,
Now his pension plan's been cut in half and he can't afford to die
And it's a crying shame, cus he ain't the one to blame.
When I look down to see his calloused hands,
Well let me tell you friend it gets me fightin' mad.

Cause in the real world they're shuttin' Detroit down,
While the boss man takes his bonus-paid jets on out of town.
DC's bailing out them bankers as the farmers auction ground.
Yeah while they're living up on Wall Street in that New York City town,
Here in the real world they're shuttin' Detroit down.

Yeah while there living up on Wall Street in that New York City town,
Here in the real world they're shuttin' Detroit down.
Here in the real world they're shuttin' Detroit down,
In the real world they're shuttin' Detroit down.
They're shuttin' Detroit down.

Mirror lyrics:

They're shuttin' Detroit down.
In the real world they're shuttin' Detroit down.
Here in the real world they're shuttin' Detroit down,
Here in the real world they're shuttin' Detroit down.
Yeah while there living up on Wall Street in that New York City town,

Here in the real world they're shuttin' Detroit down.
Yeah while they're living up on Wall Street in that New York City town,
DC's bailing out them bankers as the farmers auction ground.
While the boss man takes his bonus-paid jets on out of town.
Cause in the real world they're shuttin' Detroit down,

Well let me tell you friend it gets me fightin' mad.
When I look down to see his calloused hands,
And it's a crying shame, cus he ain't the one to blame.
Now his pension plan's been cut in half and he can't afford to die
Well that old man's been working in that plant most all his life,

Here in the real world they're shuttin' Detroit down.
Here in the real world they're shuttin' Detroit down.
Yeah while they're living up on Wall Street in that New York City town,
DC's bailing out them bankers as the farmers auction ground.
While the boss man takes his bonus-paid jets on out of town.
Because in the real world they're shuttin' Detroit down,

They're selling make believe and we don't buy that here.
Well pardon me if I don't shed a tear.

To come running to the rescue.
About how they're losing billions and it's up to me and you
Now I see all these big shots whining on my evening news,
When it don't go your way.
You work hard for your dollar and you never pass the blame,
My daddy taught me in this country everyone's the same.

Relevant Tags:
SShuttin' DDetroit DDown huttin' etroit own hSuttin' eDtroit oDwn zhuttin' xetroit xown zShuttin' xDetroit xDown Szhuttin' Dxetroit Dxown
whuttin' eetroit eown wShuttin' eDetroit eDown Swhuttin' Deetroit Deown dhuttin' fetroit fown dShuttin' fDetroit fDown Sdhuttin' Dfetroit Dfown
ehuttin' retroit rown eShuttin' rDetroit rDown Sehuttin' Dretroit Drown xhuttin' cetroit cown xShuttin' cDetroit cDown Sxhuttin' Dcetroit Dcown
ahuttin' setroit sown aShuttin' sDetroit sDown Sahuttin' Dsetroit Dsown Shhuttin' Doown Suttin' Dtroit Dwn Suhttin' Dteroit Dwon
Sjuttin' Dstroit Dkwn Sjhuttin' Dkown Shjuttin' Destroit Dokwn Suuttin' D3troit D9wn Suhuttin' D3etroit D9own Shuuttin' De3troit Do9wn
Snuttin' Dftroit D0wn Snhuttin' D0own Shnuttin' Deftroit Do0wn Sbuttin' Drtroit Dlwn Sbhuttin' Dlown Shbuttin' Dertroit Dolwn
Sguttin' D4troit Diwn Sghuttin' D4etroit Diown Shguttin' De4troit Doiwn Syuttin' Ddtroit Dowwn Syhuttin' Ddetroit Don Shyuttin' Dedtroit Donw
Dwtroit Doan Shttin' Dwetroit Doawn Shtutin' Dewtroit Dowan Shhttin' Dettroit Do3n Deroit Do3wn Shuhttin' Dertoit Dow3n
Sh7ttin' Defroit Dodn Sh7uttin' Dodwn Shu7ttin' Detfroit Dowdn Shkttin' De5roit Doen Shkuttin' De5troit Doewn Shukttin' Det5roit Dowen
Shittin' Dehroit Dosn Shiuttin' Dehtroit Doswn Shuittin' Dethroit Dowsn Sh8ttin' Deyroit Do2n Sh8uttin' Deytroit Do2wn Shu8ttin' Detyroit Dow2n
Shjttin' De6roit Doqn De6troit Doqwn Shujttin' Det6roit Dowqn Shyttin' Degroit Downn Degtroit Dow Shuyttin' Detgroit Down
Shutttin' Derroit Dowm Shutin' Dowmn Shuttin' Detrroit Downm Shuftin' Dowh Shufttin' Detoit Dowhn Shutftin' Detorit Downh

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