Johnny Clegg
Giyani (feat. Savuka)

Siyayibiz' as'hambeni!
Hayi, Ngane (We are calling: hey! let's go child of
YamaShangane! the Shangaan)

Oh the river is wide
And the water is deep
Got no money and I can't get to sleep
Takes all my courage to look down that long road
I am going to Giyani
With such a heavy load
I've got to:
Shintsha (change)
Qinga (strengthen myself)
Qingel'isibindi (take courage)
And don't give up

Oh I'm going to Giyani
Siyayibiz' as'hambeni!
Oh I'm going to touch
That magic mystery
Leaving my troubles behind me

Did you hear about the mouse
That went to the cat for love
The cat said:
"Mouse, I can't be what you're dreaming of.
You're so lonely. You've got it mixed up.
You're looking down below for what lies up above."

You've got to
Shintsha (change)
Qinga (strengthen myself)
Qingel'isibindi (take courage)
Don't give up


Mirror lyrics:


Don't give up
Qingel'isibindi (take courage)
Qinga (strengthen myself)
Shintsha (change)
You've got to

You're looking down below for what lies up above."
You're so lonely. You've got it mixed up.
"Mouse, I can't be what you're dreaming of.
The cat said:
That went to the cat for love
Did you hear about the mouse

Leaving my troubles behind me
That magic mystery
Oh I'm going to touch
Siyayibiz' as'hambeni!
Oh I'm going to Giyani

And don't give up
Qingel'isibindi (take courage)
Qinga (strengthen myself)
Shintsha (change)
I've got to:
With such a heavy load
I am going to Giyani
Takes all my courage to look down that long road
Got no money and I can't get to sleep
And the water is deep
Oh the river is wide

YamaShangane! the Shangaan)
Hayi, Ngane (We are calling: hey! let's go child of
Siyayibiz' as'hambeni!

Relevant Tags:
GGiyani ((feat. SSavuka) iyani feat. avuka) iGyani f(eat. aSvuka) hiyani (ffeat. zavuka) hGiyani (eat. zSavuka) Ghiyani (efat. Szavuka)
yiyani (ceat. wavuka) yGiyani (cfeat. wSavuka) Gyiyani (fceat. Swavuka) biyani (reat. davuka) bGiyani (rfeat. dSavuka) Gbiyani (freat. Sdavuka)
viyani (geat. eavuka) vGiyani (gfeat. eSavuka) Gviyani (fgeat. Seavuka) fiyani (teat. xavuka) fGiyani (tfeat. xSavuka) Gfiyani (fteat. Sxavuka)
tiyani (veat. aavuka) tGiyani (vfeat. aSavuka) Gtiyani (fveat. Saavuka) Giiyani (deat. Gyani (dfeat. Svuka) Gyiani (fdeat. Svauka)
Gjyani (feeat. Szvuka) Gjiyani (fat. Gijyani (faet. Sazvuka) G9yani (fsat. Sqvuka) G9iyani (fseat. Sqavuka) Gi9yani (fesat. Saqvuka)
Glyani (f3at. Ssvuka) Gliyani (f3eat. Ssavuka) Gilyani (fe3at. Sasvuka) Goyani (ffat. Swvuka) Goiyani Gioyani (fefat. Sawvuka)
Gkyani (frat. Sxvuka) Gkiyani Gikyani (ferat. Saxvuka) G8yani (f4at. Savvuka) G8iyani (f4eat. Sauka) Gi8yani (fe4at. Sauvka)
Guyani (fdat. Sabuka) Guiyani Sabvuka) Giuyani (fedat. Savbuka) Giyyani (fwat. Sacuka) Giani (fweat. Sacvuka) Giayni (fewat. Savcuka)
Gigani (feaat. Saguka) Gigyani (fet. Sagvuka) Giygani (feta. Savguka) Gihani (fezt. Safuka) Gihyani (fezat. Safvuka) Giyhani (feazt. Savfuka)
Gi6ani (feqt. Savuuka) Gi6yani (feqat. Savka) Giy6ani (feaqt. Savkua) Giuani (fest. Savhka) Savhuka) Giyuani (feast. Savuhka)
Gi7ani (fewt. Sav7ka) Gi7yani Sav7uka)

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