All They Ever Wanted

Rotten trees outside the city
They've been there for years
And that's all they ever wanted

Shallow figures within the city
They've been there forever and ever
And that's all they ever wanted

Don't follow me into the city
I won't show you a good time
I won't take you out dancing

Wouldn't it be nice to be stuck in the forest
Like an old rotten tree with no need or wanting

Guns were made for disturbing the peace
People in the city will never all agree
On what they ever wanted

Some people think we all should have just one task
And some people don't think before they ask
Or everything they ever wanted

People in the city will never all agree
On what they ever wanted

Mirror lyrics:

On what they ever wanted
People in the city will never all agree

Or everything they ever wanted
And some people don't think before they ask
Some people think we all should have just one task

On what they ever wanted
People in the city will never all agree
Guns were made for disturbing the peace

Like an old rotten tree with no need or wanting
Wouldn't it be nice to be stuck in the forest

I won't take you out dancing
I won't show you a good time
Don't follow me into the city

And that's all they ever wanted
They've been there forever and ever
Shallow figures within the city

And that's all they ever wanted
They've been there for years
Rotten trees outside the city

Relevant Tags:
AAll TThey EEver WWanted ll hey ver anted lAl hTey vEer aWnted zll fhey sver aanted zAll fThey sEver aWanted Azll Tfhey Esver Waanted
qll 5hey 3ver 3anted qAll 5They 3Ever 3Wanted Aqll T5hey E3ver W3anted sll hhey fver danted sAll hThey fEver dWanted Asll Thhey Efver Wdanted
wll yhey rver eanted wAll yThey rEver eWanted Awll Tyhey Erver Weanted xll 6hey 4ver santed xAll 6They 4Ever sWanted Axll T6hey E4ver Wsanted
Alll ghey dver 2anted Al gThey dEver 2Wanted All Tghey Edver W2anted Akl rhey wver qanted Akll rThey wEver qWanted Alkl Trhey Ewver Wqanted
Aol Evver Aoll Tey Eer Wnted Alol Tehy Eevr Wnated Apl Tjey Eber Wznted Apll Tjhey Ebver Wzanted Alpl Thjey Evber Waznted
Tuey Ecer Wqnted Tuhey Ecver Thuey Evcer Waqnted Alk Tney Eger Wsnted Tnhey Egver Allk Thney Evger Wasnted
Alo Tbey Efer Wwnted Tbhey Wwanted Allo Thbey Evfer Wawnted Alp Tgey Eveer Wxnted Evr Wxanted Allp Thgey Evre Waxnted
Tyey Evsr Wannted Evser Wated Thyey Evesr Watned Theey Ev3r Wamted Thy Ev3er Wamnted Thye Eve3r Wanmted
Thsy Evfr Wahted Thsey Wahnted Thesy Evefr Wanhted Th3y Evrr Wajted Th3ey Evrer Wajnted The3y Everr Wanjted
Thfy Ev4r Wabted Thfey Ev4er Wabnted Thefy Eve4r Wanbted Thry Evdr Wantted

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