John Lennon
Phil And John #3

(P) - "Just a minute now... can anybody remembr one thing I tell them? You're gona be stuck with your baby. Ok, here we go!"
(J) - "What we're gonna do, play jazz with Jetho Tull?."
(P) - "No, Elton John probably at the Roxy"
(J) - "Elton's a good friend of mine?"
(P) - "Well, good, he's got the same name as you. Only you spell it in the front, he spell it on the we go!..."
and you both go the same we go!
(J) - "No, no, no, I refuse....Elton's gonna die young...."
(P) - "Remember the bass drum also... and the one after that, you know, the ending....ok, here we go!",
(J) -"I'm gonna be a 90 year old guru"
(P) - "Alright, good!",
(J) - "Ha ha ha""
(P) - "Ok, I'll make history, you make gurus, here we go!!"
(J) - "Phil....I'm gonna write your history so be careful"
(?) - "One, two, three"

Mirror lyrics:

(?) - "One, two, three"
(J) - "Phil....I'm gonna write your history so be careful"
(P) - "Ok, I'll make history, you make gurus, here we go!!"
(J) - "Ha ha ha""
(P) - "Alright, good!",
(J) -"I'm gonna be a 90 year old guru"
(P) - "Remember the bass drum also... and the one after that, you know, the ending....ok, here we go!",
(J) - "No, no, no, I refuse....Elton's gonna die young...."
and you both go the same we go!
(P) - "Well, good, he's got the same name as you. Only you spell it in the front, he spell it on the we go!..."
(J) - "Elton's a good friend of mine?"
(P) - "No, Elton John probably at the Roxy"
(J) - "What we're gonna do, play jazz with Jetho Tull?."
(P) - "Just a minute now... can anybody remembr one thing I tell them? You're gona be stuck with your baby. Ok, here we go!"

Relevant Tags:
PPhil AAnd JJohn ##3 hil nd ohn 3 hPil nAd oJhn 3# 0hil znd kohn #33 0Phil zAnd kJohn # P0hil Aznd Jkohn #3 lhil qnd iohn #4
lPhil qAnd iJohn #43 Plhil Aqnd Jiohn #34 ohil snd mohn #w oPhil sAnd mJohn #w3 Pohil Asnd Jmohn #3w Phhil wnd nohn #e Pil wAnd nJohn #e3
Pihl Awnd Jnohn #3e Pjil xnd hohn #2 Pjhil xAnd hJohn #23 Phjil Axnd Jhohn #32 Puil Annd uohn Puhil Ad uJohn Phuil Adn Juohn
Pnil Amd Joohn Pnhil Amnd Jhn Phnil Anmd Jhon Pbil Ahd Jkhn Pbhil Ahnd Phbil Anhd Jokhn Pgil Ajd J9hn
Pghil Ajnd J9ohn Phgil Anjd Jo9hn Pyil Abd J0hn Pyhil Abnd J0ohn Phyil Anbd Jo0hn Phiil Andd Jlhn Phl An Jlohn

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