John Kay
Show Me How You'd Like It Done

Words and music by John Kay

Oh darlin' what is wrong with you
Oh baby it must be somethin' that I do
'Cause ev'rytime that we get down
I wind up feelin' like a clown with you

Eh sweet mama you just got to tell me true
Oh babe what'll do the trick for you
'Cause if I don't know what you need
We just never will succeed

So tell me what you want
And show me how you'd like it done
Tell me what to do
Will you show me what you know
Oh tell me what you need
Will you teach me how you'd like your fun
It's the only way to get it done
And if it takes all night
We're gonna do this till it's right

Oh darlin' tell me how you're feein' now
Eh babe looks like your smile
Returned somehow
But if there's something else you'd like
To be truly satisfied

© 1978 Rambunctious Music

Mirror lyrics:

© 1978 Rambunctious Music

To be truly satisfied
But if there's something else you'd like
Returned somehow
Eh babe looks like your smile
Oh darlin' tell me how you're feein' now

We're gonna do this till it's right
And if it takes all night
It's the only way to get it done
Will you teach me how you'd like your fun
Oh tell me what you need
Will you show me what you know
Tell me what to do
And show me how you'd like it done
So tell me what you want

We just never will succeed
'Cause if I don't know what you need
Oh babe what'll do the trick for you
Eh sweet mama you just got to tell me true

I wind up feelin' like a clown with you
'Cause ev'rytime that we get down
Oh baby it must be somethin' that I do
Oh darlin' what is wrong with you

Words and music by John Kay

Relevant Tags:
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Syhow Ho Yiou'd I6t Doe Shyow How Yoiu'd Likle It6 Doen Shoow Hoa Youu'd Lioe Ig Dome Shw Hoaw Yo'd Igt Domne

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