Reading the next resume
Raising his eyes up from the page
Showing no sign of surprise
Weren't you the one I hurt?
Weren't you the one that I betrayed?
Did you stay angry with me?
I forget you
I forget you
I forget Utah
I forget you
I forget you
I forget Utah
I forget Utah
I forget you
I forget you
I forget Utah
I forget you
I forget you
Did you stay angry with me?
Weren't you the one that I betrayed?
Weren't you the one I hurt?
Showing no sign of surprise
Raising his eyes up from the page
Reading the next resume
UUtah |
| tah |
| tUah |
| htah |
| hUtah |
| Uhtah |
| 7tah |
| 7Utah |
| U7tah |
| ktah |
| kUtah |
Uktah |
| itah |
| iUtah |
| Uitah |
| 8tah |
| 8Utah |
| U8tah |
| jtah |
| jUtah |
| Ujtah |
| ytah |
yUtah |
| Uytah |
| Uttah |
| Uah |
| Uath |
| Ufah |
| Uftah |
| Utfah |
| U5ah |
| U5tah |
| Ut5ah |
Uhah |
| Uthah |
| Uyah |
| Utyah |
| U6ah |
| U6tah |
| Ut6ah |
| Ugah |