John Mellencamp
Ain't Even Done With The Night

Well, our hearts beat like thunder
I don't know why they don't explode
You got your hands in my back pockets
And Sam Cooke's singin' on the radio
You say that I'm the boy who can make it all come true
Well, I'm tellin' ya that I don't know if I know what to do

You say that's all right, hold tight
Well, I don't even know if I'm doin' this right
Well all right, hold tight
We can stay out all day or we can run around all night
Well all night, all night
Well, it's time to go home
And I ain't even done with the night

Well, I don't know no good come-ons
And I don't know no cool lines
I feel the heat of your frustration
I know it's burnin' you up deep down inside
You say that I'm the boy who can make it all come true
Well, I'm tellin' ya that I don't know if I know what to do

You say that's all right, hold tight
Well, I don't even know if I'm doin' this right
Well all right, hold tight
We can stay out all day or we can run around all night
Well all night, all night
Well, it's time to go home
And I ain't even done with the night

Ain't even done with the night, hold tight
Well, I don't even know if I'm doin' this right
Well all right, hold tight
We can stay out all day or we can run around all night
Well all night, all night
Well, it's time to go home
And I ain't even done with the night

No I ain't even done with the night
No, no, ain't even done with the night
No, I ain't even done with the night
No, no, ain't even, ain't even done with the night
No, no, ain't even done with the night
No I ain't even done with the night

Mirror lyrics:

No I ain't even done with the night
No, no, ain't even done with the night
No, no, ain't even, ain't even done with the night
No, I ain't even done with the night
No, no, ain't even done with the night
No I ain't even done with the night

And I ain't even done with the night
Well, it's time to go home
Well all night, all night
We can stay out all day or we can run around all night
Well all right, hold tight
Well, I don't even know if I'm doin' this right
Ain't even done with the night, hold tight

And I ain't even done with the night
Well, it's time to go home
Well all night, all night
We can stay out all day or we can run around all night
Well all right, hold tight
Well, I don't even know if I'm doin' this right
You say that's all right, hold tight

Well, I'm tellin' ya that I don't know if I know what to do
You say that I'm the boy who can make it all come true
I know it's burnin' you up deep down inside
I feel the heat of your frustration
And I don't know no cool lines
Well, I don't know no good come-ons

And I ain't even done with the night
Well, it's time to go home
Well all night, all night
We can stay out all day or we can run around all night
Well all right, hold tight
Well, I don't even know if I'm doin' this right
You say that's all right, hold tight

Well, I'm tellin' ya that I don't know if I know what to do
You say that I'm the boy who can make it all come true
And Sam Cooke's singin' on the radio
You got your hands in my back pockets
I don't know why they don't explode
Well, our hearts beat like thunder

Relevant Tags:
AAin't EEven DDone WWith TThe NNight in't ven one ith he ight iAn't vEen oDne iWth hTe iNght zin't sven xone aith fhe might zAin't sEven xDone aWith fThe mNight
Azin't Esven Dxone Waith Tfhe Nmight qin't 3ven eone 3ith 5he hight qAin't 3Even eDone 3With 5The hNight Aqin't E3ven Deone W3ith T5he Nhight sin't fven fone dith hhe jight
sAin't fEven fDone dWith hThe jNight Asin't Efven Dfone Wdith Thhe Njight win't rven rone eith yhe bight wAin't rEven rDone eWith yThe bNight Awin't Erven Drone Weith Tyhe Nbight
xin't 4ven cone sith 6he Niight xAin't 4Even cDone sWith 6The Nght Axin't E4ven Dcone Wsith T6he Ngiht Aiin't dven sone 2ith ghe Njght An't dEven sDone 2With gThe
Ani't Edven Dsone W2ith Tghe Nijght Ajn't wven Doone qith rhe N9ght Ajin't wEven Dne qWith rThe N9ight Aijn't Ewven Dnoe Wqith Trhe Ni9ght A9n't Evven Dkne Wiith Nlght
A9in't Een Dkone Wth Te Nlight Ai9n't Eevn Dokne Wtih Teh Nilght Aln't Eben D9ne Wjth Tje Noght Alin't Ebven D9one Wjith Tjhe Noight Ailn't Evben Do9ne Wijth Thje Nioght
Aon't Ecen D0ne W9th Tue Nkght Aoin't Ecven D0one W9ith Tuhe Nkight Aion't Evcen Do0ne Wi9th Thue Nikght Akn't Egen Dlne Wlth Tne N8ght Akin't Egven Dlone Wlith Tnhe N8ight
Aikn't Evgen Dolne Wilth Thne Ni8ght A8n't Efen Dine Woth Tbe Nught A8in't Dione Woith Tbhe Nuight Ai8n't Evfen Doine Wioth Thbe Niught Aun't Eveen Donne Wkth Tge Nigght
Auin't Evn Doe Wkith Niht Aiun't Evne Doen Wikth Thge Nihgt Ainn't Evsn Dome W8th Tye Nihht Ai't Evsen Domne W8ith Nihght Ai'nt Evesn Donme Wi8th Thye Nighht
Aim't Ev3n Dohe Wuth Thee Niyht Aimn't Ev3en Dohne Wuith Th Niyght Ainm't Eve3n Donhe Wiuth The Nigyht Aih't Evfn Doje Witth Ths Nibht

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