John Mcdermott
The Harp That Once

The harp that once : to oombayga and family

The harp that once through tara's halls
The soul of music shed
Now hangs as mute on tara's walls
As if that soul were fled
So sleeps the pride of former days
So glory's thrill is o'er
And the hearts that once beat high for praise
Now feel that pulse no more
No more to chiefs and ladies bright
The harp of tara swells
The chord alone that breaks at night
Its tale of ruin tells
Thus freedom now so seldom wakes
The only throb she gives
Is when some heart indignant breaks
To show that still she lives

Mirror lyrics:

To show that still she lives
Is when some heart indignant breaks
The only throb she gives
Thus freedom now so seldom wakes
Its tale of ruin tells
The chord alone that breaks at night
The harp of tara swells
No more to chiefs and ladies bright
Now feel that pulse no more
And the hearts that once beat high for praise
So glory's thrill is o'er
So sleeps the pride of former days
As if that soul were fled
Now hangs as mute on tara's walls
The soul of music shed
The harp that once through tara's halls

The harp that once : to oombayga and family

Relevant Tags:
TThe HHarp TThat OOnce he arp hat nce hTe aHrp hTat nOce fhe jarp fhat knce fThe jHarp fThat kOnce Tfhe Hjarp Tfhat Oknce
5he uarp 5hat 9nce 5The uHarp 5That 9Once T5he Huarp T5hat O9nce hhe narp hhat 0nce hThe nHarp hThat 0Once Thhe Hnarp Thhat O0nce
yhe barp yhat lnce yThe bHarp yThat lOnce Tyhe Hbarp Tyhat Olnce 6he garp 6hat ince 6The gHarp 6That iOnce T6he Hgarp T6hat Oince
ghe yarp ghat Onnce gThe yHarp gThat Oce Tghe Hyarp Tghat Ocne rhe Haarp rhat Omce rThe Hrp rThat Omnce Trhe Hrap Trhat Onmce
Hzrp Ohce Te Hzarp Tat Ohnce Teh Hazrp Taht Onhce Tje Hqrp Tjat Ojce Tjhe Hqarp Tjhat Ojnce Thje Haqrp Thjat Onjce
Tue Hsrp Tuat Obce Tuhe Hsarp Tuhat Obnce Thue Hasrp Thuat Onbce Tne Hwrp Tnat Oncce Tnhe Hwarp Tnhat One Thne Hawrp Thnat Onec
Tbe Hxrp Tbat Onfe Tbhe Hxarp Tbhat Onfce Thbe Haxrp Thbat Oncfe Tge Harrp Tgat Onxe Hap Onxce Thge Hapr Thgat Oncxe

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