John Mayer
Why Did You Mess With Forever

I came by to get my things
Thank you for getting the door
But I don't feel right walking in no more

You think it's cold
I did my crying at home
And I'm numb now,
I'm numb now

Before I'm on my way
I've one more thing to ask,
Was it worth the price you paid
For my never coming back?

Why did you mess with forever?
Such a long time
To be unkind
Why did you mess with forever?

Don't you call me cruel
Cruel is what you're making me do
I stick to my rules
I'm at odds with me now
So stay, go, go ahead and stay

Before I'm on my way
I've one more thing to ask,
Was it worth the price you paid
For my never coming back

Why did you mess with forever?
Such a long time
To be unkind
Why did you mess with forever?

You ask to kiss me once 'goodbye'
But you already did on somebody else's lips

Tell the tiny chemicals
The ones you hold responsible
They lost me
You lost me
Now everything inside me tells me I should run to you
And throw my arms around you
Hold your streaming crying cheek against my own
And tell you nothing's wrong

But a wrong is what you were when you forgot
That we were going on,
We were going on
We were going on

Tell me why did you,
Why did you mess with forever?
What a long time
To be unkind
Why did you mess with forever?


Mirror lyrics:


Why did you mess with forever?
To be unkind
What a long time
Why did you mess with forever?
Tell me why did you,

We were going on
We were going on
That we were going on,
But a wrong is what you were when you forgot

And tell you nothing's wrong
Hold your streaming crying cheek against my own
And throw my arms around you
Now everything inside me tells me I should run to you
You lost me
They lost me
The ones you hold responsible
Tell the tiny chemicals

But you already did on somebody else's lips
You ask to kiss me once 'goodbye'

Why did you mess with forever?
To be unkind
Such a long time
Why did you mess with forever?

For my never coming back
Was it worth the price you paid
I've one more thing to ask,
Before I'm on my way

So stay, go, go ahead and stay
I'm at odds with me now
I stick to my rules
Cruel is what you're making me do
Don't you call me cruel

Why did you mess with forever?
To be unkind
Such a long time
Why did you mess with forever?

For my never coming back?
Was it worth the price you paid
I've one more thing to ask,
Before I'm on my way

I'm numb now
And I'm numb now,
I did my crying at home
You think it's cold

But I don't feel right walking in no more
Thank you for getting the door
I came by to get my things

Relevant Tags:
WWhy DDid YYou MMess WWith FForever hy id ou ess ith orever hWy iDd oYu eMss iWth oFrever ahy xid gou jess aith corever aWhy xDid gYou jMess aWith cForever
Wahy Dxid Ygou Mjess Waith Fcorever 3hy eid hou kess 3ith rorever 3Why eDid hYou kMess 3With rForever W3hy Deid Yhou Mkess W3ith Frorever dhy fid 6ou ness dith gorever
dWhy fDid 6You nMess dWith gForever Wdhy Dfid Y6ou Mness Wdith Fgorever ehy rid uou Meess eith torever eWhy rDid uYou Mss eWith tForever Wehy Drid Yuou Mses Weith Ftorever
shy cid 7ou Msss sith vorever sWhy cDid 7You Msess sWith vForever Wshy Dcid Y7ou Messs Wsith Fvorever 2hy sid jou M3ss 2ith dorever 2Why sDid jYou M3ess 2With dForever
W2hy Dsid Yjou Me3ss W2ith Fdorever qhy Diid tou Mfss qith Foorever qWhy Dd tYou Mfess qWith Frever Wqhy Ddi Ytou Mefss Wqith Froever Whhy Djd Yoou Mrss Wiith Fkrever
Wy Djid Yu Mress Wth Fkorever Wyh Dijd Yuo Merss Wtih Fokrever Wjy D9d Yku M4ss Wjth F9rever Wjhy D9id Ykou M4ess Wjith F9orever Whjy Di9d Yoku Me4ss Wijth Fo9rever
Wuy Dld Y9u Mdss W9th F0rever Wuhy Dlid Y9ou Mdess W9ith F0orever Whuy Dild Yo9u Medss Wi9th Fo0rever Wny Dod Y0u Mwss Wlth Flrever Wnhy Doid Y0ou Mwess Wlith Florever
Whny Diod Yo0u Mewss Wilth Folrever Wby Dkd Ylu Woth Firever Wbhy Dkid Ylou Mes Woith Fiorever Whby Dikd Yolu Mess Wioth Foirever Wgy D8d Yiu Mezs Wkth Forrever
Wghy D8id Yiou Mezss Wkith Foever Whgy Di8d Yoiu Meszs Wikth Foerver Wyy Dud Youu Mews W8th Fodever Wyhy Duid Yo W8ith Fodrever Whyy Diud You Mesws Wi8th Fordever
Didd Yoh Meds Wuth Fo4ever Wh Di Yohu Wuith Fo4rever Why Did Youh Mesds Wiuth For4ever Whg Dix Yo7 Mees Witth Fogever Dixd Yo7u Wih Fogrever
Whyg Didx You7 Meses Wiht Forgever Whh Die Yok Mexs Wifh Fotever Died Mexss Wifth Fotrever Whyh Dide Youk Mesxs Witfh Fortever Wh6 Dif Yoi Meas Wi5h Fo5ever
Wh6y Difd Meass Wi5th Fo5rever Why6 Didf Youi Mesas Wit5h For5ever Whu Dir Yo8 Wihh Fofever Dird Yo8u Wihth Fofrever Whyu Didr You8 Withh Forfever
Wh7 Dic Yoj Mesz Wiyh Foeever Wh7y Dicd Yoju Wiyth Foerever Why7 Didc Youj Messz Wityh Foreever Whj Dis Yoy Mesw Wi6h Disd Yoyu Wi6th Forver
Whyj Dids Youy Messw Wit6h Forveer Wht Mesd Wigh Forsver Whty Wigth Forsever Whyt Messd Witgh Foresver

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