John Martyn
John Wayne

I believe I'm John Wayne

They call me John Wayne

You know you've got it coming

I'll tell it to you straight

I'm coming for you very soon

I'll never hesitate

I've come to measure you

I will fit you up

I've come to measure you

Fit you up

I am John Wayne

I believe I'm John Wayne

They call me John Wayne

You felt the money flowing

You watched the beast arrive

You felt your money going away

And tried to skin the lamb alive

Come to measure you

Fit you up

I come to measure you

Fit you up

I am John Wayne

I am John Wayne

They tell me I am, the John Wayne

Coming very soon

I'm coming for you

Any day now

Don't you dare look behind you

For you know I will be there

You'll feel my breath on your neck

Turn, face me if you dare

I've come to measure you

I've come to fix you up

I've come to measure you

Fix you up

I am John Wayne

I believe I'm John Wayne

You know, my name is John Wayne

Get on your horse

Measure you

This man has come to measure you, measure you, measure you

Measure you

This man, this man and that man come to measure you

I say, measure you

Coming inch by inch like a marigold line

Smiling inchworm like a marigold line

Inch my way, measure you

Measure you, measure you

I come to measure you

I come to measure you

I come to measure you

Mirror lyrics:

I come to measure you

I come to measure you

I come to measure you

Measure you, measure you

Inch my way, measure you

Smiling inchworm like a marigold line

Coming inch by inch like a marigold line

I say, measure you

This man, this man and that man come to measure you

Measure you

This man has come to measure you, measure you, measure you

Measure you

Get on your horse

You know, my name is John Wayne

I believe I'm John Wayne

I am John Wayne

Fix you up

I've come to measure you

I've come to fix you up

I've come to measure you

Turn, face me if you dare

You'll feel my breath on your neck

For you know I will be there

Don't you dare look behind you

Any day now

I'm coming for you

Coming very soon

They tell me I am, the John Wayne

I am John Wayne

I am John Wayne

Fit you up

I come to measure you

Fit you up

Come to measure you

And tried to skin the lamb alive

You felt your money going away

You watched the beast arrive

You felt the money flowing

They call me John Wayne

I believe I'm John Wayne

I am John Wayne

Fit you up

I've come to measure you

I will fit you up

I've come to measure you

I'll never hesitate

I'm coming for you very soon

I'll tell it to you straight

You know you've got it coming

They call me John Wayne

I believe I'm John Wayne

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Jlhn Wsyne Jlohn Jolhn Wasyne Jihn Wwyne Wwayne Joihn Wawyne Johhn Wxyne Jon Wxayne Jonh Waxyne Jojn Wayyne Jojhn Wane
Johjn Wanye Joun Wagne Jouhn Wagyne Johun Waygne Jonn Wahne Jonhn Wahyne

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