John Mellencamp
Peaceful World

"Come on baby take a ride with me
I'm up from Indiana down to Tennessee
Everything is cool as can be
In a peaceful world

People know this world is a wreck
We're sick and tired of being politically correct
If I see through it now but I didn't at first
The hypocrites made it worse and worse
Lookin' down their noses at what people say
These are just words and words are okay
It's what you do and not what you say
If you're not part of the future then get out of the way

Come on baby take a ride with me
I'm up from Indiana down to Tennessee
Everything is cool as can be
In a peaceful world

Racism lives in the U.S. today
Better get hip to what Martin Luther King had to say
I don't want my kids being brought up this way
Hatred to each other is not okay
Well I'm not a preacher just a singer son
But I can see more work to be done
It's what you do and not what you say
If you're not part of the future then get out of the way

Come on baby take a ride with me
I'm up from Indiana down to Tennessee
Everything is cool as can be
In a peaceful world

The money's good and the work is okay
Looks like everything is rollin our way
"Til you gotta look the devil in the eye
You know that bastard's one big lie
So be careful with your heart and what you love
Make sure that it was sent from above
It's what you do and not what you say
If you're not part of the future then get out of the way

Come on baby take a ride with me
I'm up from Indiana down to Tennessee
Everything is cool as can be
In a peaceful world

Lay back the top and ride with me
I'm up from Indiana down to Tennessee
Everything is cool as can be
In a peaceful world

Hey yeah
Hey yeah
Hey yeah
Hey yeah

Mirror lyrics:

Hey yeah
Hey yeah
Hey yeah
Hey yeah

In a peaceful world
Everything is cool as can be
I'm up from Indiana down to Tennessee
Lay back the top and ride with me

In a peaceful world
Everything is cool as can be
I'm up from Indiana down to Tennessee
Come on baby take a ride with me

If you're not part of the future then get out of the way
It's what you do and not what you say
Make sure that it was sent from above
So be careful with your heart and what you love
You know that bastard's one big lie
"Til you gotta look the devil in the eye
Looks like everything is rollin our way
The money's good and the work is okay

In a peaceful world
Everything is cool as can be
I'm up from Indiana down to Tennessee
Come on baby take a ride with me

If you're not part of the future then get out of the way
It's what you do and not what you say
But I can see more work to be done
Well I'm not a preacher just a singer son
Hatred to each other is not okay
I don't want my kids being brought up this way
Better get hip to what Martin Luther King had to say
Racism lives in the U.S. today

In a peaceful world
Everything is cool as can be
I'm up from Indiana down to Tennessee
Come on baby take a ride with me

If you're not part of the future then get out of the way
It's what you do and not what you say
These are just words and words are okay
Lookin' down their noses at what people say
The hypocrites made it worse and worse
If I see through it now but I didn't at first
We're sick and tired of being politically correct
People know this world is a wreck

In a peaceful world
Everything is cool as can be
I'm up from Indiana down to Tennessee
"Come on baby take a ride with me

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Pezaceful Wiorld Peazceful Woirld Peqceful Worrld Peqaceful Wold Peaqceful Wolrd Pesceful Wodld Wodrld Peasceful Wordld
Pewceful Wo4ld Wo4rld Peawceful Wor4ld Pexceful Wogld Pexaceful Wogrld Peaxceful Worgld Peacceful Wotld Peaeful Wotrld
Peaecful Wortld Peafeful Wo5ld Peafceful Wo5rld Peacfeful Wor5ld Peaxeful Wofld Wofrld Peacxeful Worfld Peaveful Woeld
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