Joshua Kadison
Molly In The Mirror

Molly's in the attic as the sun goes down
Looking through some boxes for her wedding gown

Now she's standing in the mirror in dusy white
Talking to herself in the rusty light

She says "I've never been to Paris, but I've wanted to go
To see the moon reflecting in the Seine, you know
To climb the Eiffel tower with the city lights sparkling below

Now they're just some tired cliche's
Just some wrinkles that the mirror betray
Singing old woman, old woman what have you done with you days

I've never been to Venice, but my dreams are divine
Riding gondolas under lantern shine
Listening to guitars and sipping sweet Italian wine

Now they're just some tired cliche's
Just some wrinkles that the mirror betray
Singing old woman, old woman what have you done with you days

I was a wife
I raised a child
But in my dreams I still go running wild
It's a good life
I see my friends
But can this be how all my dreaming ends?

I've never seen Morokko, but the things I had planned
To savour all the spices in that faraway land
To buy a silk sarong and wear it dancing in the sand

Now they're just some tired cliche's
Just some wrinkles that the mirror betray
Singing old woman, old woman what have you done with you days
Old woman, old woman what have you done with your days
Old woman, old woman what have you done with your days

Mirror lyrics:

Old woman, old woman what have you done with your days
Old woman, old woman what have you done with your days
Singing old woman, old woman what have you done with you days
Just some wrinkles that the mirror betray
Now they're just some tired cliche's

To buy a silk sarong and wear it dancing in the sand
To savour all the spices in that faraway land
I've never seen Morokko, but the things I had planned

But can this be how all my dreaming ends?
I see my friends
It's a good life
But in my dreams I still go running wild
I raised a child
I was a wife

Singing old woman, old woman what have you done with you days
Just some wrinkles that the mirror betray
Now they're just some tired cliche's

Listening to guitars and sipping sweet Italian wine
Riding gondolas under lantern shine
I've never been to Venice, but my dreams are divine

Singing old woman, old woman what have you done with you days
Just some wrinkles that the mirror betray
Now they're just some tired cliche's

To climb the Eiffel tower with the city lights sparkling below
To see the moon reflecting in the Seine, you know
She says "I've never been to Paris, but I've wanted to go

Talking to herself in the rusty light
Now she's standing in the mirror in dusy white

Looking through some boxes for her wedding gown
Molly's in the attic as the sun goes down

Relevant Tags:
MMolly IIn TThe MMirror olly n he irror oMlly nI hTe iMrror jolly jn fhe jirror jMolly jIn fThe jMirror Mjolly Ijn Tfhe Mjirror
kolly 9n 5he kirror kMolly 9In 5The kMirror Mkolly I9n T5he Mkirror nolly ln hhe nirror nMolly lIn hThe nMirror Mnolly Iln Thhe Mnirror
Moolly on yhe Miirror Mlly oIn yThe Mrror Mloly Ion Tyhe Mriror Mklly kn 6he Mjrror kIn 6The Moklly Ikn T6he Mijrror
M9lly 8n ghe M9rror M9olly 8In gThe M9irror Mo9lly I8n Tghe Mi9rror M0lly un rhe Mlrror M0olly uIn rThe Mlirror Mo0lly Iun Trhe Milrror
Mllly Inn Morror Mlolly I Te Moirror Mollly In Teh Miorror Milly Im Tje Mkrror Miolly Imn Tjhe Moilly Inm Thje Mikrror
Ih Tue M8rror Moly Ihn Tuhe M8irror Molly Inh Thue Mi8rror Mokly Ij Tne Murror Tnhe Muirror Molkly Inj Thne Miurror
Mooly Ib Tbe Mirrror Ibn Tbhe Miror Mololy Inb Thbe Mirror Moply Tge Midror Moplly Midrror Molply Thge Mirdror
Tye Mi4ror Mi4rror Molyl Thye Mir4ror Molky Thee Migror Th Migrror Mollky The Mirgror
Moloy Ths Mitror Thse Mitrror Molloy Thes Mirtror Molpy Th3 Mi5ror Th3e Mi5rror Mollpy The3 Mir5ror
Mollyy Thf Mifror Moll Thfe Mifrror Thef Mirfror

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