Josh Ritter

All that love all those mistakes
What else can a poor man make?
So I gave up a life of crime
I gave it to a friend of mine
Something else was on my mind
The only ghost I'm haunted by
I hear her howling down below
Idaho, Idaho

Wolves oh wolves oh can't you see?
Ain't no wolf can sing like me
And if it could then I suppose
He belongs in Idaho
Packs of dogs and cigarettes
For those who ain't done packing yet
My clothes are packed and I want to go
Idaho, Idaho

Out at sea for seven years
I got your letter in Tangier
Thought that I'd been on a boat
'Til that single word you wrote
That single word it landlocked me
Turned the masts to cedar trees
And the winds to gravel roads
Idaho, Idaho
Turned the winds to gravel roads
Idaho, Idaho

Mirror lyrics:

Idaho, Idaho
Turned the winds to gravel roads
Idaho, Idaho
And the winds to gravel roads
Turned the masts to cedar trees
That single word it landlocked me
'Til that single word you wrote
Thought that I'd been on a boat
I got your letter in Tangier
Out at sea for seven years

Idaho, Idaho
My clothes are packed and I want to go
For those who ain't done packing yet
Packs of dogs and cigarettes
He belongs in Idaho
And if it could then I suppose
Ain't no wolf can sing like me
Wolves oh wolves oh can't you see?

Idaho, Idaho
I hear her howling down below
The only ghost I'm haunted by
Something else was on my mind
I gave it to a friend of mine
So I gave up a life of crime
What else can a poor man make?
All that love all those mistakes

Relevant Tags:
IIdaho daho dIaho jdaho jIdaho Ijdaho 9daho 9Idaho I9daho ldaho lIdaho
Ildaho odaho oIdaho Iodaho kdaho kIdaho Ikdaho 8daho 8Idaho I8daho udaho
uIdaho Iudaho Iddaho Iaho Iadho Ixaho Ixdaho Idxaho Ieaho Iedaho Ideaho
Ifaho Ifdaho Idfaho Iraho Irdaho Idraho Icaho Icdaho Idcaho Isaho Isdaho
Idsaho Idaaho Idho Idhao Idzho Idzaho

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