Josh Kelley
Grey Skies

(Caught in the grey skies)

Tired of always playing the part
Caught in the dark
Wasting away
Those stupid people calling our names
Fueling the spark and starting the flame under grey skies

Yeah, your strange and you're beautiful
And you hold your head up high in the middle of a fight
Rearrange and disable the fear you hold inside in the middle of the night

Climbing to the top of the chain
Who is to blame, look where we are
Respect is still the highest regard
And this may be true but now we are caught in the grey skies

Yeah, your strange and you're beautiful
And you hold your head up high in the middle of a fight
Rearrange and disable the fear you hold inside in the middle of the night
Your strange

(Better then you and don't you think about it twice
I don't wanna be here wanna be here all night
And you don't wanna think wanna think wanna think to long)

Yeah, your strange and you're beautiful
And you hold your head up high in the middle of a fight
Rearrange and disable the fear you hold inside in the middle of the night

You're strange and beautiful
Yeah your strangely and beautiful
Yeah your strange
Yeah your strange
Caught in the grey skies

All the strange on the darkest days
Gotta drive that screw
Gotta milk that stage
Time to shine to make the stars align
Dig your own thing
Time to show the world who you really are
Your the president
Your a carpenter
Fallen in love
Then you rise above
Then you run for the hill
(Caught in the grey skies)

Got caught in the grey skies x2

Mirror lyrics:

Got caught in the grey skies x2

(Caught in the grey skies)
Then you run for the hill
Then you rise above
Fallen in love
Your a carpenter
Your the president
Time to show the world who you really are
Dig your own thing
Time to shine to make the stars align
Gotta milk that stage
Gotta drive that screw
All the strange on the darkest days

Caught in the grey skies
Yeah your strange
Yeah your strange
Yeah your strangely and beautiful
You're strange and beautiful

Rearrange and disable the fear you hold inside in the middle of the night
And you hold your head up high in the middle of a fight
Yeah, your strange and you're beautiful

And you don't wanna think wanna think wanna think to long)
I don't wanna be here wanna be here all night
(Better then you and don't you think about it twice

Your strange
Rearrange and disable the fear you hold inside in the middle of the night
And you hold your head up high in the middle of a fight
Yeah, your strange and you're beautiful

And this may be true but now we are caught in the grey skies
Respect is still the highest regard
Who is to blame, look where we are
Climbing to the top of the chain

Rearrange and disable the fear you hold inside in the middle of the night
And you hold your head up high in the middle of a fight
Yeah, your strange and you're beautiful

Fueling the spark and starting the flame under grey skies
Those stupid people calling our names
Wasting away
Caught in the dark
Tired of always playing the part

(Caught in the grey skies)

Relevant Tags:
GGrey SSkies rey kies rGey kSies hrey zkies hGrey zSkies Ghrey Szkies yrey wkies yGrey wSkies Gyrey Swkies brey dkies bGrey dSkies
Gbrey Sdkies vrey ekies vGrey eSkies Gvrey Sekies frey xkies fGrey xSkies Gfrey Sxkies trey akies tGrey aSkies Gtrey Sakies Grrey Skkies
Gey Sies Gery Sikes Gdey Slies Gdrey Slkies Grdey Sklies G4ey Soies G4rey Sokies Gr4ey Skoies Ggey Smies Ggrey Smkies Grgey Skmies
Gtey Sjies Sjkies Grtey Skjies G5ey Siies G5rey Sikies Gr5ey Skiies Gfey Skes Grfey Skeis Geey Skjes Gerey
Greey Skijes Sk9es Gry Sk9ies Grye Ski9es Grsy Skles Grsey

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