Edge Of The Blade

You've been trying very hard
Now this time you've gone too far
Your performance
Perfect in every way

I hear rumors all around
Contracts and lawyers
Champagne downtown
Tell me what you think you want me to do

I've been always fair with you
Turning on me after all we've been through
You want trouble
Then that's just the way it will be

You're caught up in the power
A blue magical haze
Now our circle is broken
In a spellbinding rage
Better see if you're holding
The wrong edge of the blade

If it's sharp
If it cuts
Enjoy yourself

You're caught up in the power
A blue magical haze
Better see if you're holding
The wrong edge of the blade

Now the circle is broken
In a spellbinding rage
Better see if you're holding
The wrong edge of the blade

Mirror lyrics:

The wrong edge of the blade
Better see if you're holding
In a spellbinding rage
Now the circle is broken

The wrong edge of the blade
Better see if you're holding
A blue magical haze
You're caught up in the power

Enjoy yourself
If it cuts
If it's sharp

The wrong edge of the blade
Better see if you're holding
In a spellbinding rage
Now our circle is broken
A blue magical haze
You're caught up in the power

Then that's just the way it will be
You want trouble
Turning on me after all we've been through
I've been always fair with you

Tell me what you think you want me to do
Champagne downtown
Contracts and lawyers
I hear rumors all around

Perfect in every way
Your performance
Now this time you've gone too far
You've been trying very hard

Relevant Tags:
EEdge OOf TThe BBlade dge f he lade dEge fO hTe lBade sdge kf fhe vlade sEdge kOf fThe vBlade Esdge Okf Tfhe Bvlade
3dge 9f 5he glade 3Edge 9Of 5The gBlade E3dge O9f T5he Bglade fdge 0f hhe nlade fEdge 0Of hThe nBlade Efdge O0f Thhe Bnlade
rdge lf yhe hlade rEdge lOf yThe hBlade Erdge Olf Tyhe Bhlade 4dge if 6he Bllade 4Edge iOf 6The Bade E4dge Oif T6he Balde
ddge Off ghe Bkade dEdge O gThe Bklade Eddge Of Tghe Blkade wdge Oc rhe Boade wEdge Ocf rThe Bolade Ewdge Ofc Trhe Bloade
Or Bpade Ege Orf Te Bplade Egde Ofr Teh Blpade Exge Og Tje Blaade Exdge Ogf Tjhe Blde Edxge Ofg Thje Bldae
Eege Ot Tue Blzde Eedge Otf Tuhe Blzade Edege Oft Thue Blazde Efge Ov Tne Blqde Ovf Tnhe Blqade Edfge Ofv Thne Blaqde
Erge Od Tbe Blsde Odf Tbhe Blsade Edrge Ofd Thbe Blasde Ecge Tge Blwde Ecdge Blwade Edcge Thge Blawde

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