Joss Stone
For The Love Of You, Pts. 1 2

Feels good
Feels good to me
Feels good
Feels good to me

Drifting on a memory
Ain't no place I'd rather be, no
Than with you, loving you
Day will make a way for night
All we need is candlelight
And a D'Angelo song
Ooh, so soft and so long
Glad to be here alone, with a lover like no other
Sad to see a new horizon, slowly coming into view
I wanna be living for the love of you
All that I'm giving is for the, for the love of you
Lovely as a ray of sun that touches me when the morning comes
Feels good to me
My love and me, ooh

Smoother than a gentle breeze
Blowing through my mind, weary
Soft as can be, when you're loving me
When you're loving me
Love to be riding on the waves of your love
Enchanted with your touch
It seems to me, we can sail together, in and out of misery
I wanna be living for the love of you
All that I'm giving is for the love of you
I wanna be living for the love of you
All that I'm giving, giving, ooh, is for the love of you

Paradise, I held within
Can't feel insecure again
You're the key
Oh, this I see, this I see, ooh
Now and then, I lose my way
Using words to try to say what I feel
The love is real
I know the love is real

I might as well sign my name on a card
Which can say it a whole lot better
Ooh, only time will tell
Cause it seems that I've done, just about all that I can do
I wanna be, ooh, I wanna be living
I wanna be living, living for the love of you
I wanna be giving, giving, ooh
All that I'm giving is for the love of you
Oh, it's for the love of you

I just wanna be giving all my love to you
Each and every day
That's when I'll be giving all my love to you

That's all I wanna do
I'm giving all my love to you
You know that I'm living for you

Ooh, to love you

Mirror lyrics:

Ooh, to love you

You know that I'm living for you
I'm giving all my love to you
That's all I wanna do

That's when I'll be giving all my love to you
Each and every day
I just wanna be giving all my love to you

Oh, it's for the love of you
All that I'm giving is for the love of you
I wanna be giving, giving, ooh
I wanna be living, living for the love of you
I wanna be, ooh, I wanna be living
Cause it seems that I've done, just about all that I can do
Ooh, only time will tell
Which can say it a whole lot better
I might as well sign my name on a card

I know the love is real
The love is real
Using words to try to say what I feel
Now and then, I lose my way
Oh, this I see, this I see, ooh
You're the key
Can't feel insecure again
Paradise, I held within

All that I'm giving, giving, ooh, is for the love of you
I wanna be living for the love of you
All that I'm giving is for the love of you
I wanna be living for the love of you
It seems to me, we can sail together, in and out of misery
Enchanted with your touch
Love to be riding on the waves of your love
When you're loving me
Soft as can be, when you're loving me
Blowing through my mind, weary
Smoother than a gentle breeze

My love and me, ooh
Feels good to me
Lovely as a ray of sun that touches me when the morning comes
All that I'm giving is for the, for the love of you
I wanna be living for the love of you
Sad to see a new horizon, slowly coming into view
Glad to be here alone, with a lover like no other
Ooh, so soft and so long
And a D'Angelo song
All we need is candlelight
Day will make a way for night
Than with you, loving you
Ain't no place I'd rather be, no
Drifting on a memory

Feels good to me
Feels good
Feels good to me
Feels good

Relevant Tags:
FFor TThe LLove OOf YYou, PPts. 11 22 or he ove f ou, ts. oFr hTe oLve fO oYu, tPs. 1 2 cor fhe kove kf gou, 0ts. 2 3 cFor fThe kLove kOf gYou, 0Pts. 21 32
Fcor Tfhe Lkove Okf Ygou, P0ts. 12 23 ror 5he oove 9f hou, lts. q q rFor 5The oLove 9Of hYou, lPts. q1 q2 Fror T5he Loove O9f Yhou, Plts. 1q 2q gor hhe pove 0f 6ou, ots. w
gFor hThe pLove 0Of 6You, oPts. w2 Fgor Thhe Lpove O0f Y6ou, Pots. 2w tor yhe lf uou, Ptts. 1 tFor yThe Lve lOf uYou, Ps. 12 Ftor Tyhe Lvoe Olf Yuou, Pst. 21
vor 6he Lkve if 7ou, Pfs. vFor 6The iOf 7You, Pfts. Fvor T6he Lokve Oif Y7ou, Ptfs. dor ghe L9ve Off jou, P5s. dFor gThe L9ove O jYou, P5ts.
Fdor Tghe Lo9ve Of Yjou, Pt5s. Foor rhe L0ve Oc tou, Phs. Fr rThe L0ove Ocf tYou, Phts. Fro Trhe Lo0ve Ofc Ytou, Pths. Fkr Llve Or Yoou, Pys.
Fkor Te Llove Orf Yu, Pyts. Fokr Teh Lolve Ofr Yuo, Ptys. F9r Tje Live Og Yku, P6s. F9or Tjhe Liove Ogf Ykou, P6ts. Fo9r Thje Loive Ofg Yoku, Pt6s.
F0r Tue Lovve Ot Y9u, Pgs. F0or Tuhe Loe Otf Y9ou, Pgts. Fo0r Thue Loev Oft Yo9u, Ptgs. Flr Tne Lobe Ov Y0u, Prs.

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