Rythym Of Love

I cant stop the ticking
the ticking of my heart
it helps us get the rythym
so that we'll never part
the rythym of the music
it makes us dance so slow
all the lovers choose it
because the lover know

when you mix the rythym of love
with the beat of your heart
it shows all the lovers,that your couple won't part
it inspires them to do good
and to never do wrong
this shows how much good could spread through a song

All the things of life
that make some one fell so bad
all the things of love
that make us feel so sad
it all effects the future
effects the way that we live
we get alot anger
that we will want to give


You may have lost a lover
some one you wanted real bad
they made you feel like you could hover
they made you feel real glad
but hope is not lost easy there'll be another chance
to meet somebody pleasing who will want to dance


CHORUS:slow-no music

Mirror lyrics:

CHORUS:slow-no music


to meet somebody pleasing who will want to dance
but hope is not lost easy there'll be another chance
they made you feel real glad
they made you feel like you could hover
some one you wanted real bad
You may have lost a lover


that we will want to give
we get alot anger
effects the way that we live
it all effects the future
that make us feel so sad
all the things of love
that make some one fell so bad
All the things of life

this shows how much good could spread through a song
and to never do wrong
it inspires them to do good
it shows all the lovers,that your couple won't part
with the beat of your heart
when you mix the rythym of love

because the lover know
all the lovers choose it
it makes us dance so slow
the rythym of the music
so that we'll never part
it helps us get the rythym
the ticking of my heart
I cant stop the ticking

Relevant Tags:
RRythym OOf LLove ythym f ove yRthym fO oLve dythym kf kove dRythym kOf kLove Rdythym Okf Lkove 4ythym 9f oove 4Rythym 9Of oLove
R4ythym O9f Loove gythym 0f pove gRythym 0Of pLove Rgythym O0f Lpove tythym lf tRythym lOf Lve Rtythym Olf Lvoe 5ythym if Lkve
5Rythym iOf R5ythym Oif Lokve fythym Off L9ve fRythym O L9ove Rfythym Of Lo9ve eythym Oc L0ve eRythym Ocf L0ove Reythym Ofc Lo0ve
Ryythym Or Llve Rthym Orf Llove Rtyhym Ofr Lolve Rgthym Og Live Ogf Liove Rygthym Ofg Loive Rhthym Ot Lovve Rhythym Otf Loe
Ryhthym Oft Loev R6thym Ov Lobe R6ythym Ovf Lobve Ry6thym Ofv Lovbe Ruthym Od Loce Ruythym Odf Locve Ryuthym Ofd Lovce R7thym Loge
R7ythym Logve Ry7thym Lovge Rjthym Lofe Rjythym Lofve Ryjthym Lovfe Rtthym Lovee Lov Rytthym Love
Lovs Ryhym Lovse Ryhtym Loves Ryfhym Lov3 Ryfthym Lov3e Rytfhym Love3 Ry5hym Lovf Ry5thym
Ryt5hym Lovef

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