Precious Time

I was captured by the light of a wayward smile
When she said to me
Move slowly, son, and touch the sky
Very soon you'll see
Ooh, how precious time
Placed its hand on me
Ooh, how precious time
How it rescued me

See the line of sight inside your mind
But from where I don't know
And the tales that are left behind
Left for all to grow
Ooh, precious time
Placed its hand on me
Ooh, precious time
How it rescued me
Ooh, how it rescued me
How it rescued me

Oh, there's a place in time not far from here
A place we all can see
So if you're looking for a better day
Touch the sky and see
Oh, precious time
Placed its hand on me
Ooh, precious time
How it rescued me

Be the soldiers for your lives my friends
Fight for all to see
It's the only way to catch the sun
It's the only way you see
Oh, how precious time
Placed its hand on me
Yeah, precious time
How it rescued me
Baby, baby, it rescued me

Oh, there's a place in time not far from here
A place we all can see
So if you're looking for a better day
Touch the sky and see
Oh, precious time
Placed its hand on me
Oh, precious time
Ooh, how it rescued me

Mirror lyrics:

Ooh, how it rescued me
Oh, precious time
Placed its hand on me
Oh, precious time
Touch the sky and see
So if you're looking for a better day
A place we all can see
Oh, there's a place in time not far from here

Baby, baby, it rescued me
How it rescued me
Yeah, precious time
Placed its hand on me
Oh, how precious time
It's the only way you see
It's the only way to catch the sun
Fight for all to see
Be the soldiers for your lives my friends

How it rescued me
Ooh, precious time
Placed its hand on me
Oh, precious time
Touch the sky and see
So if you're looking for a better day
A place we all can see
Oh, there's a place in time not far from here

How it rescued me
Ooh, how it rescued me
How it rescued me
Ooh, precious time
Placed its hand on me
Ooh, precious time
Left for all to grow
And the tales that are left behind
But from where I don't know
See the line of sight inside your mind

How it rescued me
Ooh, how precious time
Placed its hand on me
Ooh, how precious time
Very soon you'll see
Move slowly, son, and touch the sky
When she said to me
I was captured by the light of a wayward smile

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PPrecious TTime recious ime rPecious iTme 0recious fime 0Precious fTime P0recious Tfime lrecious 5ime lPrecious 5Time Plrecious T5ime
orecious hime oPrecious hTime Porecious Thime Prrecious yime Pecious yTime Percious Tyime Pdecious 6ime Pdrecious 6Time Prdecious T6ime
P4ecious gime P4recious gTime Pr4ecious Tgime Pgecious rime Pgrecious rTime Prgecious Trime Ptecious Tiime Ptrecious Tme Prtecious Tmie
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Prfcious Tume Tuime Prefcious Tiume Prrcious Timme Tie Prercious Tiem Pr4cious Tije Pre4cious Timje Prdcious Tike
Predcious Timke Prwcious Tine Prwecious Tinme Prewcious Timne Preccious Timee Preious Tim Preicous Time Prefious Tims Timse
Precfious Times Prexious Tim3 Prexcious Tim3e Precxious Time3 Previous Timf Prevcious Timfe Precvious Timef Predious Timr Timre

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