John Frusciante
Moments Have You

All around you is to feel and watch you
They make patterns to peel the sound
And I find it a pain that goes along
With being in chaos's order
I've a field now to realize in
Watch the main jump
It has fears of you being there rising up
Like who you're introduced to saying goodbye
All again and you're always free now
I didn't fake this so you could fade away
I've been careful to take what I've spent
I remember every end
I'm pretending to face something
I've been looking straight in it's eye
Moments have you to play around with
Cuz inside actions there's no time
I'll evade you to create a reason
I hear you inside a space
An instant is forever now
A future fluctuates
Glimpse your motion
Sitting down
It's like framing a pear
Or saving sounds
I defy you to realize it
How a shattering creates a song
I've been used to help the body
Of work that will never be
A lapse of the most confused kind
Has reserved feelings jumping around
The first type plays around the souls
They have fun with everyone you know
A knot only found
Never made
Everyday we reload feelings
When we play

Mirror lyrics:

When we play
Everyday we reload feelings
Never made
A knot only found
They have fun with everyone you know
The first type plays around the souls
Has reserved feelings jumping around
A lapse of the most confused kind
Of work that will never be
I've been used to help the body
How a shattering creates a song
I defy you to realize it
Or saving sounds
It's like framing a pear
Sitting down
Glimpse your motion
A future fluctuates
An instant is forever now
I hear you inside a space
I'll evade you to create a reason
Cuz inside actions there's no time
Moments have you to play around with
I've been looking straight in it's eye
I'm pretending to face something
I remember every end
I've been careful to take what I've spent
I didn't fake this so you could fade away
All again and you're always free now
Like who you're introduced to saying goodbye
It has fears of you being there rising up
Watch the main jump
I've a field now to realize in
With being in chaos's order
And I find it a pain that goes along
They make patterns to peel the sound
All around you is to feel and watch you

Relevant Tags:
MMoments HHave YYou oments ave ou oMments aHve oYu joments jave gou jMoments jHave gYou Mjoments Hjave Ygou koments uave hou
kMoments uHave hYou Mkoments Huave Yhou noments nave 6ou nMoments nHave 6You Mnoments Hnave Y6ou Mooments bave uou Mments bHave uYou
Mmoents Hbave Yuou Mkments gave 7ou gHave 7You Mokments Hgave Y7ou M9ments yave jou M9oments yHave jYou Mo9ments Hyave Yjou
M0ments Haave tou M0oments Hve tYou Mo0ments Hvae Ytou Mlments Hzve Yoou Mloments Hzave Yu Molments Hazve Yuo Miments Hqve Yku
Mioments Hqave Ykou Moiments Haqve Yoku Momments Hsve Y9u Moents Hsave Y9ou Moemnts Hasve Yo9u Mojents Hwve Y0u Mojments Hwave Y0ou
Momjents Hawve Yo0u Mokents Hxve Ylu Hxave Ylou Momkents Haxve Yolu Monents Havve Yiu Monments Hae Yiou Momnents Haev Yoiu
Momeents Habe Youu Momnts Habve Yo Momnets Havbe You Momsnts Hace Yoh Momsents Hacve Yohu Momesnts Havce Youh Mom3nts Hage Yo7
Mom3ents Hagve Yo7u Mome3nts Havge You7 Momfnts Hafe Yok Momfents Hafve Momefnts Havfe Youk Momrnts Havee Yoi Momrents Hav
Momernts Have Youi Mom4nts Havs Yo8 Mom4ents Havse Yo8u Mome4nts Haves You8 Momdnts Hav3 Yoj Momdents Hav3e Yoju

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