John Frusciante
Inside A Break

Inside a break there's only moments that hide
Every mistake is really worth a try
I know a way a lie can be refined
Hand me your cross and run for your life
Any good luck is a falling tree
I'm no one and no one is me
All day to call some kind of faceless guide
Some day you see is just today in a guise
Every pace you go would go without you
The busiest days there's really nothing to do
I go away to turn the dark to light
Don't look at me when you're wondering why
Hymns sound so good to him
Reflections occur within
Unwind so called holes
Language is false but it speaks to me
Places are gone when there's no one to see 'em
I got a pain that spans millions of lives
Going to where we'll five into the sky
Any old way is a new way to be
There's just no cause for beating anybody
All of us kids we like to climb and fall
Once within there's nothing better at all
Than nowhere

Mirror lyrics:

Than nowhere
Once within there's nothing better at all
All of us kids we like to climb and fall
There's just no cause for beating anybody
Any old way is a new way to be
Going to where we'll five into the sky
I got a pain that spans millions of lives
Places are gone when there's no one to see 'em
Language is false but it speaks to me
Unwind so called holes
Reflections occur within
Hymns sound so good to him
Don't look at me when you're wondering why
I go away to turn the dark to light
The busiest days there's really nothing to do
Every pace you go would go without you
Some day you see is just today in a guise
All day to call some kind of faceless guide
I'm no one and no one is me
Any good luck is a falling tree
Hand me your cross and run for your life
I know a way a lie can be refined
Every mistake is really worth a try
Inside a break there's only moments that hide

Relevant Tags:
IInside AA BBreak nside reak nIside A rBeak jnside z vreak jInside zA vBreak Ijnside Az Bvreak 9nside q greak 9Inside qA gBreak
I9nside Aq Bgreak lnside s nreak lInside sA nBreak Ilnside As Bnreak onside w hreak oInside wA hBreak Ionside Aw Bhreak knside x Brreak
kInside xA Beak Iknside Ax Berak 8nside Bdeak 8Inside Bdreak I8nside Brdeak unside B4eak uInside B4reak Iunside Br4eak
Innside Bgeak Iside Isnide Brgeak Imside Bteak Imnside Btreak Inmside Brteak Ihside B5eak Ihnside B5reak
Inhside Br5eak Ijside Bfeak Bfreak Injside Brfeak Ibside Beeak Ibnside Bereak Inbside Breeak Insside
Inide Brak Inisde Braek Inzide Brsak Inzside Brseak Inszide Bresak Inwide Br3ak Inwside Br3eak Inswide Bre3ak
Indide Brfak Indside Insdide Brefak Ineide Brrak Ineside Inseide Brerak Inxide Br4ak Inxside
Insxide Bre4ak Inaide Brdak Inaside Insaide Bredak Insiide Brwak Insde Brweak

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