John Frusciante
A Name

These don't have a name
I've been a fool to let it out that way
And it'll keep on coming back
A fool gets laughed at
Now go on and on and on
Letting it out when the feelings strong
I wonder who in the single thing
Made this night and its ugly dreams

These all pass away
It is clear that one can see through a day
And I may have met my match
Completely unattached
With no one, no one, no one
On whom to rely
Let's sing that song
Well I didn't read the last page
You thought of me at that final stage

Eenie meenie miny moe
It's about time
About time to go
(Let me go)

Eenie meenie miny moe
It's about time
About time to go

Mirror lyrics:

About time to go
It's about time
Eenie meenie miny moe

(Let me go)
About time to go
It's about time
Eenie meenie miny moe

You thought of me at that final stage
Well I didn't read the last page
Let's sing that song
On whom to rely
With no one, no one, no one
Completely unattached
And I may have met my match
It is clear that one can see through a day
These all pass away

Made this night and its ugly dreams
I wonder who in the single thing
Letting it out when the feelings strong
Now go on and on and on
A fool gets laughed at
And it'll keep on coming back
I've been a fool to let it out that way
These don't have a name

Relevant Tags:
AA NName ame A aNme z mame zA mName Az Nmame q hame qA hName Aq Nhame s jame sA jName
As Njame w bame wA bName Aw Nbame x Naame xA Nme Ax Nmae Nzme Nzame Nazme Nqme
Nqame Naqme Nsme Nsame Nasme Nwme Nwame Nawme Nxme Nxame Naxme
Namme Nae

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