John Farnham
Only Women Bleed

Man got his woman
To take his seed
He got the power
She got the need

She spends her life through
Pleasing up her man
She feeds him dinner
Anything she can

She cries alone at night too often
He smokes and drinks
And don't come home at all

Only women bleed
Only women bleed

Man makes your hair gray
He's your life's mistake
All you're really looking for
Is an even break

He lies right at you
You know you hate this game
Slaps you once in a while
And you live and love in pain

She cries alone at night too often
He smokes and drinks
And don't come home at all

Only women bleed
Only women bleed
Only women bleed
Only women bleed

Black eyes all of the time
Don't spend a dime, clean up this grime
And you there, down on your knees
Begging to please, come watch me bleed

Only women bleed

Man got his woman
To take his seed
He got the power
She got the need

She spends her life through
Pleasing up her man
Feeds him dinner
Anything she can

She cries alone at night too often
He smokes and drinks
And don't come home at all

Only women bleed
Only women bleed
Only women bleed

Mirror lyrics:

Only women bleed
Only women bleed
Only women bleed

And don't come home at all
He smokes and drinks
She cries alone at night too often

Anything she can
Feeds him dinner
Pleasing up her man
She spends her life through

She got the need
He got the power
To take his seed
Man got his woman

Only women bleed

Begging to please, come watch me bleed
And you there, down on your knees
Don't spend a dime, clean up this grime
Black eyes all of the time

Only women bleed
Only women bleed
Only women bleed
Only women bleed

And don't come home at all
He smokes and drinks
She cries alone at night too often

And you live and love in pain
Slaps you once in a while
You know you hate this game
He lies right at you

Is an even break
All you're really looking for
He's your life's mistake
Man makes your hair gray

Only women bleed
Only women bleed

And don't come home at all
He smokes and drinks
She cries alone at night too often

Anything she can
She feeds him dinner
Pleasing up her man
She spends her life through

She got the need
He got the power
To take his seed
Man got his woman

Relevant Tags:
OOnly WWomen BBleed nly omen leed nOly oWmen lBeed knly aomen vleed kOnly aWomen vBleed Oknly Waomen Bvleed 9nly 3omen gleed
9Only 3Women gBleed O9nly W3omen Bgleed 0nly domen nleed 0Only dWomen nBleed O0nly Wdomen Bnleed lnly eomen hleed lOnly eWomen hBleed
Olnly Weomen Bhleed inly somen Blleed iOnly sWomen Beed Oinly Wsomen Beled Onnly 2omen Bkeed Oly 2Women Bkleed Olny W2omen Blkeed
Omly qomen Boeed Omnly qWomen Boleed Onmly Wqomen Bloeed Ohly Woomen Bpeed Ohnly Wmen Bpleed Onhly Wmoen Blpeed Ojly Wkmen Bleeed
Ojnly Wkomen Bled Onjly Wokmen Bleed Obly W9men Blsed Obnly W9omen Blseed Onbly Wo9men Blesed Onlly W0men Bl3ed Ony W0omen Bl3eed
Onyl Wo0men Ble3ed Onky Wlmen Blfed Onkly Wlomen Blfeed Onlky Wolmen Blefed Onoy Wimen Blred Onoly Wiomen Blreed Onloy Woimen Blered
Onpy Wommen Bl4ed Onply Woen Bl4eed Onlpy Woemn Ble4ed Onlyy Wojen Blded

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