John Farnham
All Kinds Of People

There's a time for love, and a time for healing.
You can't go back and undo what's been done.
The word of mouth. Time is revealing,
just how far we've let this kingdom come.
Hand to hand, we're finding our way,
And today is just tomorrow's yesterday.
Some will die for you, some will lie to you,
There's all kinds of people in this world.
Turn the world around
Tear the borders down
There's all kinds of people in this world
This kiss of life. The hand of fate
The boy grows up into his fathers' son.
And he learns to love, been taught to hate
To carry on the way it has been done
All our lives it's debts to repay
Maybe someday we can put the past away
Some will die for you, some will lie to you,
There's all kinds of people in this world.
Turn the world around
Tear the borders down
There's all kinds of people in this world
Some will die for you - Some will lie to you,
There's all kinds of people in this world
Turn your fear away - Find a better way
There's all kinds of people in this world
Then in a moment things can change
One look behind and it's never the same
Some will die for you,
Some will lie to you,
There's all kinds of people in this world,
Turn the world around
Tear the borders down
There's all kinds of people in this world

Mirror lyrics:

There's all kinds of people in this world
Tear the borders down
Turn the world around
There's all kinds of people in this world,
Some will lie to you,
Some will die for you,
One look behind and it's never the same
Then in a moment things can change
There's all kinds of people in this world
Turn your fear away - Find a better way
There's all kinds of people in this world
Some will die for you - Some will lie to you,
There's all kinds of people in this world
Tear the borders down
Turn the world around
There's all kinds of people in this world.
Some will die for you, some will lie to you,
Maybe someday we can put the past away
All our lives it's debts to repay
To carry on the way it has been done
And he learns to love, been taught to hate
The boy grows up into his fathers' son.
This kiss of life. The hand of fate
There's all kinds of people in this world
Tear the borders down
Turn the world around
There's all kinds of people in this world.
Some will die for you, some will lie to you,
And today is just tomorrow's yesterday.
Hand to hand, we're finding our way,
just how far we've let this kingdom come.
The word of mouth. Time is revealing,
You can't go back and undo what's been done.
There's a time for love, and a time for healing.

Relevant Tags:
AAll KKinds OOf PPeople ll inds f eople lAl iKnds fO ePople zll linds kf 0eople zAll lKinds kOf 0People Azll Klinds Okf P0eople
qll oinds 9f leople qAll oKinds 9Of lPeople Aqll Koinds O9f Pleople sll minds 0f oeople sAll mKinds 0Of oPeople Asll Kminds O0f Poeople
wll jinds lf Peeople wAll jKinds lOf Pople Awll Kjinds Olf Poeple xll iinds if Psople xAll iKinds iOf Pseople Axll Kiinds Oif Pesople
Alll Off P3ople Al Knds O P3eople All Knids Of Pe3ople Akl Kjnds Oc Pfople Akll Ocf Pfeople Alkl Kijnds Ofc Pefople
Aol K9nds Or Prople Aoll K9inds Orf Preople Alol Ki9nds Ofr Perople Apl Klnds Og P4ople Apll Ogf P4eople Alpl Kilnds Ofg Pe4ople
Konds Ot Pdople Otf Pdeople Kionds Oft Pedople Alk Kknds Ov Pwople Kkinds Ovf Pweople Allk Kiknds Ofv Pewople
Alo K8nds Od Peoople K8inds Odf Peple Allo Ki8nds Ofd Pepole Alp Kunds Pekple Kuinds Pekople Allp Kiunds Peokple
Kinnds Pe9ple Kids Pe9ople Kidns Peo9ple Kimds Pe0ple Kimnds Pe0ople Kinmds Peo0ple

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