John Hiatt
Buffalo River Home

I've been taking off and landing
But this airport's closed
And how much thicker this fog is gonna get
God only knows
Just when you think that you've got a grip
Reality sneaks off, it gives you the slip
As if you ever knew what it was
Takin' you down the lime

Tearing through the cotton fields and bus shelters
Of the South runnin' helter skelter
Down through the Mississippi Delta
With no place to call your own
Mixing up drinks with mixed feeling
All along the paint was peeling
Down to an Indian blanket on a pony
With no rider in the flesh and bone
Lookin' for his buffalo river home

I've been circling the wagons
Down at Time Square
Trying to fill up this hole in my soul
But nothing fits there
Just when you think you can let it rip
You're pounding the pavement in your daddy's wingtips
As if you had someplace else to go
Or a better way to get there

Tearing through the cotton fields and bus shelters
Of the South runnin' helter skelter
Down through the Mississippi Delta
With no place to call your own
Mixing up drinks with mixed feeling
All along the paint was peeling
Down to an Indian blanket on a pony
With no rider in the flesh and bone
Lookin' for his buffalo river home

Now there's only two things in life
But I forget what they are
It seems we're either hangin' on a moonbeam's coattails
Or wishing on stars
Just when you think that you've been gyped
The bearded lady comes and does a double back flip
And you run off and join the circus
Yeah you just let that pony ride

Tearing through the cotton fields and bus shelters
Of the South runnin' helter skelter
Down through the Mississippi Delta
With no place to call your own
Mixing up drinks with mixed feeling
All along the paint was peeling
Down to an Indian blanket on a pony
With no rider in the flesh and bone
Lookin' for his buffalo river home
Lookin' for his buffalo river home

Mirror lyrics:

Lookin' for his buffalo river home
Lookin' for his buffalo river home
With no rider in the flesh and bone
Down to an Indian blanket on a pony
All along the paint was peeling
Mixing up drinks with mixed feeling
With no place to call your own
Down through the Mississippi Delta
Of the South runnin' helter skelter
Tearing through the cotton fields and bus shelters

Yeah you just let that pony ride
And you run off and join the circus
The bearded lady comes and does a double back flip
Just when you think that you've been gyped
Or wishing on stars
It seems we're either hangin' on a moonbeam's coattails
But I forget what they are
Now there's only two things in life

Lookin' for his buffalo river home
With no rider in the flesh and bone
Down to an Indian blanket on a pony
All along the paint was peeling
Mixing up drinks with mixed feeling
With no place to call your own
Down through the Mississippi Delta
Of the South runnin' helter skelter
Tearing through the cotton fields and bus shelters

Or a better way to get there
As if you had someplace else to go
You're pounding the pavement in your daddy's wingtips
Just when you think you can let it rip
But nothing fits there
Trying to fill up this hole in my soul
Down at Time Square
I've been circling the wagons

Lookin' for his buffalo river home
With no rider in the flesh and bone
Down to an Indian blanket on a pony
All along the paint was peeling
Mixing up drinks with mixed feeling
With no place to call your own
Down through the Mississippi Delta
Of the South runnin' helter skelter
Tearing through the cotton fields and bus shelters

Takin' you down the lime
As if you ever knew what it was
Reality sneaks off, it gives you the slip
Just when you think that you've got a grip
God only knows
And how much thicker this fog is gonna get
But this airport's closed
I've been taking off and landing

Relevant Tags:
BBuffalo RRiver HHome uffalo iver ome uBffalo iRver oHme vuffalo diver jome vBuffalo dRiver jHome Bvuffalo Rdiver Hjome
guffalo 4iver uome gBuffalo 4River uHome Bguffalo R4iver Huome nuffalo giver nome nBuffalo gRiver nHome Bnuffalo Rgiver Hnome
huffalo tiver bome hBuffalo tRiver bHome Bhuffalo Rtiver Hbome Buuffalo 5iver gome Bffalo 5River gHome Bfufalo R5iver Hgome
Bhffalo fiver yome fRiver yHome Buhffalo Rfiver Hyome B7ffalo eiver Hoome B7uffalo eRiver Hme Bu7ffalo Reiver Hmoe
Bkffalo Riiver Hkme Bkuffalo Rver Hkome Bukffalo Rvier Hokme Biffalo Rjver H9me Biuffalo Rjiver H9ome Buiffalo Rijver Ho9me
B8ffalo R9ver H0me B8uffalo R9iver H0ome Bu8ffalo Ri9ver Ho0me Bjffalo Rlver Hlme Bjuffalo Rliver Hlome Bujffalo Rilver Holme
Byffalo Rover Hime Byuffalo Roiver Hiome Buyffalo Riover Hoime Bufffalo Rkver Homme Bufalo Rkiver Hoe Buffalo Rikver Hoem
Bucfalo R8ver Hoje Bucffalo R8iver Hojme Bufcfalo Ri8ver Homje Burfalo Ruver Hoke Burffalo Ruiver Bufrfalo Riuver Homke
Bugfalo Rivver Hone Bugffalo Rier Honme Bufgfalo Rievr Homne Butfalo Riber Homee Butffalo Ribver Hom Buftfalo Rivber Home
Buvfalo Ricer Homs Buvffalo Ricver Homse Bufvfalo Rivcer Homes Budfalo Riger Hom3

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