John Gregory
For The Ride Of Your Life

Wishing on a shooting star
But dreams alone won't get you far
Can't deny your feelings anymore
The world is waiting right outside your door
What are you waiting for

Come on, here's your chance
Don't let it slip right through your hands
Are you ready for the ride of your life
Your dreams are riding on the wind
Just reach out and pull them in
And get ready for the ride of your life

In your heart you know what you must do
You only got yourself to answer to
Don't let fear of falling hold you down
Your spirits flying high above the clouds
You're glory bound

Come on here's your chance
Don't let it slip right through your hands
Are you ready for the ride of your life
Your dreams are riding on the wind
Just reach out and pull them in and
Get ready for the ride of your life

You're on your way no looking back
There's no future living in the past
You're free at last yeah
You're free at last

Come on here's your chance
Don't let it slip right through your hands
Are you ready for the ride of your life, yeah
Your dreams are riding on the wind
Just reach out and pull them in and
Get ready for the ride of your life
The ride of your life

Come on, come on, get ready
Yea, yea, yea
Your dreams are riding on the wind
Just reach out and pull them in
Get ready for the ride of your life

Mirror lyrics:

Get ready for the ride of your life
Just reach out and pull them in
Your dreams are riding on the wind
Yea, yea, yea
Come on, come on, get ready

The ride of your life
Get ready for the ride of your life
Just reach out and pull them in and
Your dreams are riding on the wind
Are you ready for the ride of your life, yeah
Don't let it slip right through your hands
Come on here's your chance

You're free at last
You're free at last yeah
There's no future living in the past
You're on your way no looking back

Get ready for the ride of your life
Just reach out and pull them in and
Your dreams are riding on the wind
Are you ready for the ride of your life
Don't let it slip right through your hands
Come on here's your chance

You're glory bound
Your spirits flying high above the clouds
Don't let fear of falling hold you down
You only got yourself to answer to
In your heart you know what you must do

And get ready for the ride of your life
Just reach out and pull them in
Your dreams are riding on the wind
Are you ready for the ride of your life
Don't let it slip right through your hands
Come on, here's your chance

What are you waiting for
The world is waiting right outside your door
Can't deny your feelings anymore
But dreams alone won't get you far
Wishing on a shooting star

Relevant Tags:
FFor TThe RRide OOf YYour LLife or he ide f our ife oFr hTe iRde fO oYur iLfe cor fhe dide kf gour kife cFor fThe dRide kOf gYour kLife
Fcor Tfhe Rdide Okf Ygour Lkife ror 5he 4ide 9f hour oife rFor 5The 4Ride 9Of hYour oLife Fror T5he R4ide O9f Yhour Loife gor hhe gide 0f 6our pife
gFor hThe gRide 0Of 6Your pLife Fgor Thhe Rgide O0f Y6our Lpife tor yhe tide lf uour Liife tFor yThe tRide lOf uYour Lfe Ftor Tyhe Rtide Olf Yuour Lfie
vor 6he 5ide if 7our Ljfe vFor 6The 5Ride iOf 7Your Ljife Fvor T6he R5ide Oif Y7our Lijfe dor ghe fide Off jour L9fe dFor gThe fRide O jYour L9ife
Fdor Tghe Rfide Of Yjour Li9fe Foor rhe eide Oc tour Llfe Fr rThe eRide Ocf tYour Llife Fro Trhe Reide Ofc Ytour Lilfe Fkr Riide Or Yoour Lofe
Fkor Te Rde Orf Yur Fokr Teh Rdie Ofr Yuor Liofe F9r Tje Rjde Og Ykur Lkfe F9or Tjhe Rjide Ogf Ykour Fo9r Thje Rijde Ofg Yokur Likfe
F0r Tue R9de Ot Y9ur L8fe F0or Tuhe R9ide Otf Y9our L8ife Fo0r Thue Ri9de Oft Yo9ur Li8fe Flr Tne Rlde Ov Y0ur Lufe Flor Tnhe Rlide Ovf Y0our Luife
Folr Thne Rilde Ofv Yo0ur Liufe Fir Tbe Rode Od Ylur Liffe Fior Tbhe Roide Odf Ylour Lie Foir Thbe Riode Ofd Yolur Lief Forr Tge Rkde Yiur Lice
Fo Rkide Yiour Licfe For Thge Rikde Yoiur Lifce Fod Tye R8de Youur Lire Fodr R8ide Yor Lirfe

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