John Denver
Two Shots

I took two shots, got no ducks and cold, cold hands
Last night while I was out drinkin'
Tryin' to have a good time
The lady with whom I was speakin'
Thought I was feedin' her some old line
When I spoke of a cold winters mornin'
A duck blind and a river of grey
The sound of the snow softly fallin'
When I thought I heard somebody say
I took two shots, got no ducks, and cold, cold hands
I could tell by the gaze of my comrades, I was the one who had spoke
Their eyes held a message of patience
The thrill of the hunt and of hope
But when I spoke again, how they listened
For the wisdom of what I might say
If the Good Lord had meant us to shoot one, my friends
He'd surely send more ducks our way
I took two shots, got no ducks, and cold, cold hands
Well the lady with whom I was speakin'
She laughed lightly she wandered away
My heart like the snow in my story
Fell silent- I'd hoped she would stay
It's so nice to talk to somebody
To find someone who's willing to share
I know that this life is worth living, yes it is
But sometimes it just isn't fair
I took two shots, got no ducks, and cold, cold hands
I took two shots, got no ducks, and cold, cold hands

Mirror lyrics:

I took two shots, got no ducks, and cold, cold hands
I took two shots, got no ducks, and cold, cold hands
But sometimes it just isn't fair
I know that this life is worth living, yes it is
To find someone who's willing to share
It's so nice to talk to somebody
Fell silent- I'd hoped she would stay
My heart like the snow in my story
She laughed lightly she wandered away
Well the lady with whom I was speakin'
I took two shots, got no ducks, and cold, cold hands
He'd surely send more ducks our way
If the Good Lord had meant us to shoot one, my friends
For the wisdom of what I might say
But when I spoke again, how they listened
The thrill of the hunt and of hope
Their eyes held a message of patience
I could tell by the gaze of my comrades, I was the one who had spoke
I took two shots, got no ducks, and cold, cold hands
When I thought I heard somebody say
The sound of the snow softly fallin'
A duck blind and a river of grey
When I spoke of a cold winters mornin'
Thought I was feedin' her some old line
The lady with whom I was speakin'
Tryin' to have a good time
Last night while I was out drinkin'
I took two shots, got no ducks and cold, cold hands

Relevant Tags:
TTwo SShots wo hots wTo hSots fwo zhots fTwo zShots Tfwo Szhots 5wo whots 5Two wShots T5wo Swhots hwo dhots hTwo dShots
Thwo Sdhots ywo ehots yTwo eShots Tywo Sehots 6wo xhots 6Two xShots T6wo Sxhots gwo ahots gTwo aShots Tgwo Sahots rwo Shhots
rTwo Sots Trwo Sohts Twwo Sjots To Sjhots Tow Shjots Tao Suots Tawo Suhots Twao Shuots T3o Snots T3wo Snhots Tw3o Shnots
Tdo Sbots Tdwo Sbhots Twdo Shbots Teo Sgots Tewo Sghots Tweo Shgots Tso Syots Tswo Syhots Twso Shyots T2o Shoots T2wo Shts
Tw2o Shtos Tqo Shkts Tqwo Shkots Twqo Shokts Twoo Sh9ts Tw Sh9ots Two Sho9ts Twk Sh0ts Twko Sh0ots

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