John Denver
The Wandering Soul (love Is The Answer)

In this magic hour of softening light
The moments in between the day and the night
The instant when all shadows disappear
The distance in between the love and the fear
There's a longing deep within the wandering soul
It's like the half that understands it once was whole
Like the two who only dream of being one
Like the moon who's only light is in the sun
There's a danger in forever looking outside
You start to believe that all your prayers have been denied
And you'll forget the sound of your own name
Thus begins the suffering and the pain

I wanted an answer, I wanted a way
I wanna know just what to do and what to say
I wanted a reason, I wanna know why
Can there never be heaven right here on earth and peace inside
Inside my heart, deep in my soul
Within each part, and in the whole

There's a promise in the journeys of the mind
You begin to believe that there are miracles you will find
And that someday you'll remember who you are
The seed within a bright and shining star
It's like a flame that lives within a hungering heart
That only awaits the gift of love for it to spark
Into a fire that burns forever, endlessly
Like the river that can't help but meet the sea
In this magic hour between the dark and the dawn
In the space between the silence and the song
Suddenly the mystery is clear
That love is only letting go of fear

Love is the answer, love is the way
Love is in knowing just what to do and what to say
Love is the reason, and love is the why
And love is in heaven right here on Earth and peace inside
Inside your heart, deep in your soul
Within each part, and in the whole
Love is the answer, love is the way

Love is in knowing just what to do and what to say
Love is the reason, love is the why
And love is in heaven right here on Earth and peace inside.

Mirror lyrics:

And love is in heaven right here on Earth and peace inside.
Love is the reason, love is the why
Love is in knowing just what to do and what to say

Love is the answer, love is the way
Within each part, and in the whole
Inside your heart, deep in your soul
And love is in heaven right here on Earth and peace inside
Love is the reason, and love is the why
Love is in knowing just what to do and what to say
Love is the answer, love is the way

That love is only letting go of fear
Suddenly the mystery is clear
In the space between the silence and the song
In this magic hour between the dark and the dawn
Like the river that can't help but meet the sea
Into a fire that burns forever, endlessly
That only awaits the gift of love for it to spark
It's like a flame that lives within a hungering heart
The seed within a bright and shining star
And that someday you'll remember who you are
You begin to believe that there are miracles you will find
There's a promise in the journeys of the mind

Within each part, and in the whole
Inside my heart, deep in my soul
Can there never be heaven right here on earth and peace inside
I wanted a reason, I wanna know why
I wanna know just what to do and what to say
I wanted an answer, I wanted a way

Thus begins the suffering and the pain
And you'll forget the sound of your own name
You start to believe that all your prayers have been denied
There's a danger in forever looking outside
Like the moon who's only light is in the sun
Like the two who only dream of being one
It's like the half that understands it once was whole
There's a longing deep within the wandering soul
The distance in between the love and the fear
The instant when all shadows disappear
The moments in between the day and the night
In this magic hour of softening light

Relevant Tags:
TThe WWandering SSoul ((love IIs TThe AAnswer) he andering oul love s he nswer) hTe aWndering oSul l(ove sI hTe nAswer)
fhe aandering zoul (llove js fhe znswer) fThe aWandering zSoul (ove jIs fThe zAnswer) Tfhe Waandering Szoul (olve Ijs Tfhe Aznswer)
5he 3andering woul (kove 9s 5he qnswer) 5The 3Wandering wSoul (klove 9Is 5The qAnswer) T5he W3andering Swoul (lkove I9s T5he Aqnswer)
hhe dandering doul (oove ls hhe snswer) hThe dWandering dSoul (olove lIs hThe sAnswer) Thhe Wdandering Sdoul (loove Ils Thhe Asnswer)
yhe eandering eoul (pove os yhe wnswer) yThe eWandering eSoul (plove oIs yThe wAnswer) Tyhe Weandering Seoul (lpove Ios Tyhe Awnswer)
6he sandering xoul ks 6he xnswer) 6The sWandering xSoul (lve kIs 6The xAnswer) T6he Wsandering Sxoul (lvoe Iks T6he Axnswer)
ghe 2andering aoul (lkve 8s ghe Annswer) gThe 2Wandering aSoul 8Is gThe Aswer) Tghe W2andering Saoul (lokve I8s Tghe Asnwer)
rhe qandering Sooul (l9ve us rhe Amswer) rThe qWandering Sul (l9ove uIs rThe Amnswer) Trhe Wqandering Suol (lo9ve Ius Trhe Anmswer)
Skul (l0ve Iss Ahswer) Te Wndering Skoul (l0ove I Te Ahnswer) Teh Wnadering Sokul (lo0ve Is Teh Anhswer)
Tje Wzndering S9ul (llve Iz Tje Ajswer) Tjhe Wzandering S9oul Izs Tjhe Ajnswer) Thje Wazndering So9ul (lolve Isz Thje Anjswer)
Tue Wqndering S0ul (live Iw Tue Abswer) Tuhe S0oul (liove Iws Tuhe Abnswer) Thue Waqndering So0ul (loive Isw Thue Anbswer)
Tne Wsndering Slul (lovve Id Tne Ansswer) Tnhe Sloul (loe Ids Tnhe Anwer) Thne Wasndering Solul (loev Isd Thne Anwser)
Tbe Wwndering Siul (lobe Ie Tbe Anzwer) Tbhe Wwandering Sioul (lobve Ies Tbhe Anzswer) Thbe Wawndering Soiul (lovbe Ise Thbe Anszwer)
Tge Wxndering Souul (loce Ix Tge Anwwer) Wxandering Sol (locve Ixs Anwswer) Thge Waxndering Solu (lovce Isx Thge Answwer)
Tye Wanndering Sohl (loge Ia Tye Andwer) Wadering Sohul (logve Ias Andswer) Thye Wadnering Souhl (lovge Isa Thye Ansdwer)
Thee Wamdering So7l (lofe Thee Anewer) Th Wamndering So7ul (lofve Th Aneswer) The Wanmdering Sou7l (lovfe The Ansewer)
Ths Wahdering Sokl (lovee Ths Anxwer) Thse Wahndering (lov Thse Anxswer) Thes Wanhdering Soukl (love Thes Ansxwer)
Th3 Wajdering Soil (lovs Th3 Anawer) Th3e Wajndering (lovse Th3e Anaswer) The3 Wanjdering Souil (loves The3 Ansawer)
Thf Wabdering So8l (lov3 Thf Thfe Wabndering So8ul (lov3e Thfe Anser) Thef Wanbdering Sou8l (love3 Thef Ansewr)
Thr Wanddering Sojl (lovf Thr Ansaer) Thre Wanering Sojul Thre Ther Wanedring Soujl (lovef Ther Answaer)
Th4 Wanxering Soyl (lovr Th4 Ans3er) Th4e Wanxdering Soyul (lovre Th4e Ans3wer) The4 Wandxering Souyl (lover The4 Answ3er)
Thd Waneering Soull (lov4 Thd Ansder) Thde Wanedering Sou (lov4e Thde Thed Wandeering Soul (love4 Thed Answder)
Thw Wanfering Souk (lovd Thw Anseer) Thwe Wanfdering (lovde Thwe Thew Wandfering Soulk (loved Thew Answeer)
Wanrering Souo (lovw Ansser) Wanrdering Souol (lovwe Wandrering Soulo (lovew Answser)
Wancering Soup Ans2er) Wancdering Soupl Ans2wer) Wandcering Soulp Answ2er)
Wansering Ansqer) Wansdering Ansqwer) Wandsering Answqer)
Wandring Answr) Wandreing Answre) Wandsring Answsr)
Wandesring Answesr) Wand3ring Answ3r)

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