John Denver
Today Is The First Day Of The Rest Of My Life

Today is the first day
Of the rest of my life.
I wake as a child
To see the world begin.
On monarch wings
And birthday wonderings.
Want to put on faces.
Walk in the wet and cold.
And look forward to my growing old.
To grow is to change.
To change is to be new.
To be new is to be young again.
I barely remember when
My memories are stolen by the morning.
Blotted out by the suns hypnotic eye.
Today is the first day
Of the rest of my life.
I wake as a child
To see the world begin.
On monarch wings
And birthday wonderings.
Want to put on faces.
Walk in the wet and cold.
And look forward to my growing old.

Mirror lyrics:

And look forward to my growing old.
Walk in the wet and cold.
Want to put on faces.
And birthday wonderings.
On monarch wings
To see the world begin.
I wake as a child
Of the rest of my life.
Today is the first day
Blotted out by the suns hypnotic eye.
My memories are stolen by the morning.
I barely remember when
To be new is to be young again.
To change is to be new.
To grow is to change.
And look forward to my growing old.
Walk in the wet and cold.
Want to put on faces.
And birthday wonderings.
On monarch wings
To see the world begin.
I wake as a child
Of the rest of my life.
Today is the first day

Relevant Tags:
TToday IIs TThe FFirst DDay OOf TThe RRest OOf MMy LLife oday s he irst ay f he est f y ife oTday sI hTe iFrst aDy fO hTe eRst fO yM iLfe
foday js fhe cirst xay kf fhe dest kf jy kife fToday jIs fThe cFirst xDay kOf fThe dRest kOf jMy kLife Tfoday Ijs Tfhe Fcirst Dxay Okf Tfhe Rdest Okf Mjy Lkife
5oday 9s 5he rirst eay 9f 5he 4est 9f ky oife 5Today 9Is 5The rFirst eDay 9Of 5The 4Rest 9Of kMy oLife T5oday I9s T5he Frirst Deay O9f T5he R4est O9f Mky Loife
hoday ls hhe girst fay 0f hhe gest 0f ny pife hToday lIs hThe gFirst fDay 0Of hThe gRest 0Of nMy pLife Thoday Ils Thhe Fgirst Dfay O0f Thhe Rgest O0f Mny Lpife
yoday os yhe tirst ray lf yhe test lf Myy Liife yToday oIs yThe tFirst rDay lOf yThe tRest lOf M Lfe Tyoday Ios Tyhe Ftirst Dray Olf Tyhe Rtest Olf My Lfie
6oday ks 6he virst cay if 6he 5est if Mg Ljfe 6Today kIs 6The vFirst cDay iOf 6The 5Rest iOf Mgy Ljife T6oday Iks T6he Fvirst Dcay Oif T6he R5est Oif Myg Lijfe
goday 8s ghe dirst say Off ghe fest Off Mh L9fe gToday 8Is gThe dFirst sDay O gThe fRest O Mhy L9ife Tgoday I8s Tghe Fdirst Dsay Of Tghe Rfest Of Myh Li9fe
roday us rhe Fiirst Daay Oc rhe eest Oc M6 Llfe rToday uIs rThe Frst Dy Ocf rThe eRest Ocf M6y Llife Troday Ius Trhe Frist Dya Ofc Trhe Reest Ofc My6 Lilfe
Tooday Iss Fjrst Dzy Or Or Mu Lofe Tday I Te Fjirst Dzay Orf Te Rst Orf Muy Tdoay Is Teh Fijrst Dazy Ofr Teh Rset Ofr Myu Liofe
Tkday Iz Tje F9rst Dqy Og Tje Rsst Og M7 Lkfe Tkoday Izs Tjhe F9irst Dqay Ogf Tjhe Rsest Ogf M7y Tokday Isz Thje Fi9rst Daqy Ofg Thje Resst Ofg My7 Likfe
T9day Iw Tue Flrst Dsy Ot Tue R3st Ot Mj L8fe T9oday Iws Tuhe Flirst Otf Tuhe R3est Otf L8ife To9day Isw Thue Filrst Dasy Oft Thue Re3st Oft Myj Li8fe
T0day Id Tne Forst Dwy Ov Tne Rfst Ov Mt Lufe T0oday Ids Tnhe Foirst Dway Ovf Tnhe Ovf Mty Luife To0day Isd Thne Fiorst Dawy Ofv Thne Refst Ofv Myt Liufe
Tlday Ie Tbe Fkrst Dxy Od Tbe Rrst Od Liffe Tloday Ies Tbhe Fkirst Odf Tbhe Rrest Odf Lie Tolday Ise Thbe Fikrst Daxy Ofd Thbe Rerst Ofd Lief
Tiday Ix Tge F8rst Dayy Tge R4st Lice Tioday Ixs F8irst Da Licfe Toiday Isx Thge Fi8rst Day Thge Re4st Lifce
Todday Ia Tye Furst Dag Tye Rdst Lire Toay Ias Fuirst Dagy Lirfe Toady Isa Thye Fiurst Dayg Thye Redst Lifre
Toxay Thee Firrst Dah Thee Rwst Lige Toxday Th Fist Dahy Th Rwest Ligfe Todxay The Fisrt Dayh The Rewst Lifge
Toeay Ths Fidst Da6 Ths Lite Toeday Thse Fidrst Da6y Thse Ret Litfe Todeay Thes Firdst Day6 Thes Rets Lifte
Tofay Th3 Fi4st Dau Th3 Rezt Live Tofday Th3e Fi4rst Dauy Th3e Rezst Livfe Todfay The3 Fir4st Dayu The3 Reszt Lifve
Toray Thf Figst Da7 Thf Rewt Lide Torday Thfe Figrst Da7y Thfe Lidfe

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