John Denver
The Flower That Shattered The Stone

The Earth is our mother just turning around
With her trees in the forest and roots underground
Our father above us whos sigh is the wind
Paint us a rainbow without any end

As the river runs freely the mountain does rise
Let me touch with my fingers and see with my eyes
In the hearts of the children of pure love still roams
Like a bright star in heaven that lights our way home
Like the flower that shattered the stone

Sparrows find freedom beholding the sun
In the engine and beauty were all joined in one
I reach out before me and look to the sky
Then I hear someone whisper its something pass by

As the river runs freely the mountain does rise
Let me touch with my fingers and see with my eyes
In the hearts of the children of pure love still roams
Like a bright star in heaven that lights our way home
Like the flower that shattered the stone
Like a bright star in heaven that lights our way home
Like the flower that shattered the stone

Mirror lyrics:

Like the flower that shattered the stone
Like a bright star in heaven that lights our way home
Like the flower that shattered the stone
Like a bright star in heaven that lights our way home
In the hearts of the children of pure love still roams
Let me touch with my fingers and see with my eyes
As the river runs freely the mountain does rise

Then I hear someone whisper its something pass by
I reach out before me and look to the sky
In the engine and beauty were all joined in one
Sparrows find freedom beholding the sun

Like the flower that shattered the stone
Like a bright star in heaven that lights our way home
In the hearts of the children of pure love still roams
Let me touch with my fingers and see with my eyes
As the river runs freely the mountain does rise

Paint us a rainbow without any end
Our father above us whos sigh is the wind
With her trees in the forest and roots underground
The Earth is our mother just turning around

Relevant Tags:
TThe FFlower TThat SShattered TThe SStone he lower hat hattered he tone hTe lFower hTat hSattered hTe tSone fhe clower fhat zhattered fhe ztone fThe cFlower fThat zShattered fThe zStone
Tfhe Fclower Tfhat Szhattered Tfhe Sztone 5he rlower 5hat whattered 5he wtone 5The rFlower 5That wShattered 5The wStone T5he Frlower T5hat Swhattered T5he Swtone hhe glower hhat dhattered hhe dtone
hThe gFlower hThat dShattered hThe dStone Thhe Fglower Thhat Sdhattered Thhe Sdtone yhe tlower yhat ehattered yhe etone yThe tFlower yThat eShattered yThe eStone Tyhe Ftlower Tyhat Sehattered Tyhe Setone
6he vlower 6hat xhattered 6he xtone 6The vFlower 6That xShattered 6The xStone T6he Fvlower T6hat Sxhattered T6he Sxtone ghe dlower ghat ahattered ghe atone gThe dFlower gThat aShattered gThe aStone
Tghe Fdlower Tghat Sahattered Tghe Satone rhe Fllower rhat Shhattered rhe Sttone rThe Fower rThat Sattered rThe Sone Trhe Folwer Trhat Sahttered Trhe Sotne Fkower Sjattered Sfone
Te Fklower Tat Sjhattered Te Sftone Teh Flkower Taht Shjattered Teh Stfone Tje Foower Tjat Suattered Tje S5one Tjhe Folower Tjhat Suhattered Tjhe S5tone Thje Floower Thjat Shuattered Thje St5one
Tue Fpower Tuat Snattered Tue Shone Tuhe Fplower Tuhat Snhattered Tuhe Shtone Thue Flpower Thuat Shnattered Thue Sthone Tne Tnat Sbattered Tne Syone Tnhe Flwer Tnhat Sbhattered Tnhe Sytone
Thne Flwoer Thnat Shbattered Thne Styone Tbe Flkwer Tbat Sgattered Tbe S6one Tbhe Tbhat Sghattered Tbhe S6tone Thbe Flokwer Thbat Shgattered Thbe St6one Tge Fl9wer Tgat Syattered Tge Sgone
Fl9ower Syhattered Sgtone Thge Flo9wer Thgat Shyattered Thge Stgone Tye Fl0wer Tyat Shaattered Tye Srone Fl0ower Shttered Srtone Thye Flo0wer Thyat Shtatered Thye Strone
Thee Fllwer Thaat Shzttered Thee Stoone Th Tht Shzattered Th Stne The Flolwer Thta Shazttered The Stnoe Ths Fliwer Thzt Shqttered Ths Stkne Thse Fliower Thzat Shqattered Thse Stkone
Thes Floiwer Thazt Shaqttered Thes Stokne Th3 Flowwer Thqt Shsttered Th3 St9ne Th3e Floer Thqat Shsattered Th3e St9one The3 Floewr Thaqt Shasttered The3 Sto9ne Thf Floaer Thst Shwttered Thf St0ne
Thfe Floawer Thsat Shwattered Thfe St0one Thef Flowaer Thast Shawttered Thef Sto0ne Thr Flo3er Thwt Shxttered Thr Stlne Thre Flo3wer Thwat Shxattered Thre Stlone Ther Flow3er Thawt Shaxttered Ther Stolne
Th4 Floder Thxt Shatttered Th4 Stine Th4e Flodwer Thxat Shatered Th4e Stione The4 Flowder Thaxt Shattered The4 Stoine Thd Floeer Thatt Shaftered Thd Stonne Thde Floewer Tha Shafttered Thde Stoe
Thed Floweer That Shatftered Thed Stoen Thw Floser Thaf Sha5tered Thw Stome Thwe Floswer Thaft Sha5ttered Thwe Stomne Thew Flowser Thatf Shat5tered Thew Stonme Flo2er Tha5 Shahtered Stohe
Flo2wer Tha5t Shahttered Stohne Flow2er That5 Shathtered Stonhe Floqer Thah Shaytered Stoje Floqwer Thaht Shayttered Stojne Flowqer Thath Shatytered Stonje
Thay Sha6tered Stobe Flowr Thayt Sha6ttered Stobne Flowre Thaty Shat6tered Stonbe Flowsr Tha6 Shagtered Stonee Tha6t Shagttered Ston
Flowesr That6 Shatgtered Stone Flow3r Thag Shartered Stons Thagt Sharttered Stonse Flowe3r Thatg Shatrtered Stones Flowfr Thar Ston3
Flowfer Thart Ston3e Flowefr Thatr Shatetred Stone3

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