John Denver
Sail Away Home

Sail away
Sail away home
Sail away
Till you are gone
You have so far to go
There's so much that you don't know
Dream away
See what you find, yeah
Dream away
It's all in your mind
Things that you'd like to see
Things that you'd like to be
Don't you know
It seems so wrong, yeah
Don't you know
It's gone on too long
I cant take the guns anymore
I can't take the screams anymore
I can't take the pain
It's got to stop, It's got to change, It can't go on
It can't go on
Don't you know
It's gone on to long, yeah
Don't you know
It seems so wrong
I can't take the guns anymore
I can't take the screams anymore
I can't take the pain
It's got to stop, It's got to change, It can't go on
It can't go on
Find a way
I know you can
Find a way
I'll give you my hand
We're on our way back home
We've been a long time gone
Sail away
Sail away home
Sail away
Sail away home
Sail away
Sail away home
Sail away
Sail away home

Mirror lyrics:

Sail away home
Sail away
Sail away home
Sail away
Sail away home
Sail away
Sail away home
Sail away
We've been a long time gone
We're on our way back home
I'll give you my hand
Find a way
I know you can
Find a way
It can't go on
It's got to stop, It's got to change, It can't go on
I can't take the pain
I can't take the screams anymore
I can't take the guns anymore
It seems so wrong
Don't you know
It's gone on to long, yeah
Don't you know
It can't go on
It's got to stop, It's got to change, It can't go on
I can't take the pain
I can't take the screams anymore
I cant take the guns anymore
It's gone on too long
Don't you know
It seems so wrong, yeah
Don't you know
Things that you'd like to be
Things that you'd like to see
It's all in your mind
Dream away
See what you find, yeah
Dream away
There's so much that you don't know
You have so far to go
Till you are gone
Sail away
Sail away home
Sail away

Relevant Tags:
SSail AAway HHome ail way ome aSil wAay oHme zail zway jome zSail zAway jHome Szail Azway Hjome wail qway uome wSail qAway uHome
Swail Aqway Huome dail sway nome dSail sAway nHome Sdail Asway Hnome eail wway bome eSail wAway bHome Seail Awway Hbome xail xway gome
xSail xAway gHome Sxail Axway Hgome aail yome aSail Aay yHome Saail Aawy Hyome Aaay Hoome Sil Aaway Hme Sial Awaay Hmoe
Szil A3ay Hkme A3way Hkome Sazil Aw3ay Hokme Sqil Aday H9me Sqail Adway H9ome Saqil Awday Ho9me Ssil Aeay H0me Ssail Aeway H0ome
Sasil Aweay Ho0me Swil Asay Hlme Hlome Sawil Awsay Holme Sxil A2ay Hime A2way Hiome Saxil Aw2ay Hoime

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