John Denver
Life Is So Good

Life is so good, life is so good these days.
Life is so good these days, life is so good.
Life is so good, life is so good these days.
Life is so good these days, life is so good.

Life is so good, life is so good these days.
Life is so good these days, life is so good.
My life is so good, my life is so good these days.
Life is so good these days, life is so good.

Mirror lyrics:

Life is so good these days, life is so good.
My life is so good, my life is so good these days.
Life is so good these days, life is so good.
Life is so good, life is so good these days.

Life is so good these days, life is so good.
Life is so good, life is so good these days.
Life is so good these days, life is so good.
Life is so good, life is so good these days.

Relevant Tags:
LLife IIs SSo GGood ife s o ood iLfe sI oS oGod kife js zo hood kLife jIs zSo hGood Lkife Ijs Szo Ghood oife 9s wo yood
oLife 9Is wSo yGood Loife I9s Swo Gyood pife ls do bood pLife lIs dSo bGood Lpife Ils Sdo Gbood Liife os eo vood Lfe oIs eSo vGood
Lfie Ios Seo Gvood Ljfe ks xo food Ljife kIs xSo fGood Lijfe Iks Sxo Gfood L9fe 8s ao tood L9ife 8Is aSo tGood Li9fe I8s Sao Gtood
Llfe us Soo Goood Llife uIs S God Lilfe Ius So Good Lofe Iss Sk Gkod I Sko Gkood Liofe Is Sok Gokod Lkfe Iz S9 G9od
Izs S9o G9ood Likfe Isz So9 Go9od L8fe Iw S0 G0od L8ife Iws S0o G0ood Li8fe Isw So0 Go0od Lufe Id Sl Glod Luife Ids Slo Glood
Liufe Isd Sol Golod Liffe Ie Si Giod Lie Ies Sio Giood

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