John Denver
Dearest Esmeralda

Dearest Esmeralda, in another age
Antiques would be modern
We would be the rage
Silk would be in fashion
We would dress in lace
Love would be the passion
And the saving grace
I slept one rainy night with you in Paris
Made up for a thousand wasted years
Dearest Esmeralda you are magic
I close my eyes and you make love appear
Dancing in the shimmer
Of a crystal chandelier
Shadows singing so low
Only we could hear
Moving to the glimmer
Shaking to the storm
Outside it was raging
But inside it was warm
We said goodnight in the candlelight and thunder
Now I wake and find you're never there
I'm becoming old enough to wonder
Happy that I'm still too young to care
Masterpieces crumble
Empires tumble down
Refugees and fantasies go underground
Romance lasts forever
Love don't fade away
They may take our future
But they can't stop yesterday
Cause somewhere in the cloudy skies of Paris
We were part of some artists design
Dearest Esmeralda you are magic
In the gray around me how you shine
Oh, how you shine!

Mirror lyrics:

Oh, how you shine!
In the gray around me how you shine
Dearest Esmeralda you are magic
We were part of some artists design
Cause somewhere in the cloudy skies of Paris
But they can't stop yesterday
They may take our future
Love don't fade away
Romance lasts forever
Refugees and fantasies go underground
Empires tumble down
Masterpieces crumble
Happy that I'm still too young to care
I'm becoming old enough to wonder
Now I wake and find you're never there
We said goodnight in the candlelight and thunder
But inside it was warm
Outside it was raging
Shaking to the storm
Moving to the glimmer
Only we could hear
Shadows singing so low
Of a crystal chandelier
Dancing in the shimmer
I close my eyes and you make love appear
Dearest Esmeralda you are magic
Made up for a thousand wasted years
I slept one rainy night with you in Paris
And the saving grace
Love would be the passion
We would dress in lace
Silk would be in fashion
We would be the rage
Antiques would be modern
Dearest Esmeralda, in another age

Relevant Tags:
DDearest EEsmeralda earest smeralda eDarest sEmeralda xearest ssmeralda xDearest sEsmeralda Dxearest Essmeralda
eearest 3smeralda eDearest 3Esmeralda Deearest E3smeralda fearest fsmeralda fDearest fEsmeralda Dfearest Efsmeralda
rearest rsmeralda rDearest rEsmeralda Drearest Ersmeralda cearest 4smeralda cDearest 4Esmeralda Dcearest E4smeralda
searest dsmeralda sDearest dEsmeralda Dsearest Edsmeralda wsmeralda Darest wEsmeralda Daerest Ewsmeralda
Dsarest Emeralda Desarest Emseralda D3arest Ezmeralda D3earest Ezsmeralda De3arest Eszmeralda
Dfarest Ewmeralda Defarest Eswmeralda Drarest Edmeralda Derarest Esdmeralda D4arest Eemeralda D4earest Eesmeralda
De4arest Esemeralda Ddarest Exmeralda Ddearest Exsmeralda Dedarest Esxmeralda Dwarest Eameralda Dwearest Easmeralda
Dewarest Esameralda Deaarest Esmmeralda Derest Eseralda Deraest Esemralda Dezrest Esjeralda Dezarest Esjmeralda
Deazrest Esmjeralda Deqrest Eskeralda Deqarest Eskmeralda Deaqrest Esmkeralda Desrest Esneralda Esnmeralda
Deasrest Esmneralda Dewrest Esmeeralda Esmralda Deawrest Esmrealda Dexrest Esmsralda Dexarest Esmseralda
Deaxrest Esmesralda Dearrest Esm3ralda Deaest Esm3eralda Deaerst Esme3ralda Deadest Esmfralda Deadrest Esmferalda
Deardest Esmefralda Dea4est Esmrralda Dea4rest Esmreralda Dear4est Esmerralda Deagest Esm4ralda Deagrest Esm4eralda
Deargest Esme4ralda Deatest Esmdralda Deatrest Esmderalda Deartest Esmedralda Dea5est Esmwralda Dea5rest Esmweralda
Dear5est Esmewralda Deafest

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