John Cale
If You Were Still Around

If you were still around
I'd hold you, I'd hold you
I'd shake you by the knees
Blow hard in both ears
If you were still around

You could write like a panther
Whatever got into your veins
What kind of green blood
Swung you to your doom
To your doom

If you were still around
I'd tear unto your fear
Leave it hanging off you
In long streamers, shreds of dread
If you were still around

I'd turn you facing the wind
Bend your spine on my knee
Chew the back of your head
Chew the back of your head
'Till you opened your mouth to this life

Mirror lyrics:

'Till you opened your mouth to this life
Chew the back of your head
Chew the back of your head
Bend your spine on my knee
I'd turn you facing the wind

If you were still around
In long streamers, shreds of dread
Leave it hanging off you
I'd tear unto your fear
If you were still around

To your doom
Swung you to your doom
What kind of green blood
Whatever got into your veins
You could write like a panther

If you were still around
Blow hard in both ears
I'd shake you by the knees
I'd hold you, I'd hold you
If you were still around

Relevant Tags:
IIf YYou WWere SStill AAround f ou ere till round fI oYu eWre tSill rAound jf gou aere ztill zround jIf gYou aWere zStill zAround Ijf Ygou Waere Sztill Azround
9f hou 3ere wtill qround 9If hYou 3Were wStill qAround I9f Yhou W3ere Swtill Aqround lf 6ou dere dtill sround lIf 6You dWere dStill sAround Ilf Y6ou Wdere Sdtill Asround
of uou eere etill wround oIf uYou eWere eStill wAround Iof Yuou Weere Setill Awround kf 7ou sere xtill xround kIf 7You sWere xStill xAround Ikf Y7ou Wsere Sxtill Axround
8f jou 2ere atill Arround 8If jYou 2Were aStill Aound I8f Yjou W2ere Satill Aorund uf tou qere Sttill Adound uIf tYou qWere Sill Adround Iuf Ytou Wqere Sitll Ardound
Iff Yoou Sfill A4ound I Yu Wre Sftill A4round If Yuo Wree Stfill Ar4ound Ic Yku Wsre S5ill Agound Icf Ykou S5till Aground Ifc Yoku Wesre St5ill Argound
Ir Y9u W3re Shill Atound Irf Y9ou Shtill Atround Ifr Yo9u We3re Sthill Artound Ig Y0u Wfre Syill A5ound Igf Y0ou Wfere Sytill A5round Ifg Yo0u Wefre Styill Ar5ound
It Ylu Wrre S6ill Afound Itf Ylou Wrere S6till Afround Ift Yolu Werre St6ill Arfound Iv Yiu W4re Sgill Aeound Ivf Yiou W4ere Sgtill Aeround Ifv Yoiu We4re Stgill Areound
Id Youu Wdre Srill Aroound Idf Yo Srtill Arund Ifd You Wedre Strill Aruond Yoh Wwre Stiill Arkund Yohu Wwere Stll Arkound Youh Wewre Stlil Arokund
Yo7 Stjll Ar9und Yo7u Wee Stjill Ar9ound You7 Weer Stijll Aro9und Yok Wede St9ll Ar0und St9ill Ar0ound Youk Werde Sti9ll Aro0und
Yoi We4e Stlll Arlund Stlill Arlound Youi Wer4e Stilll Arolund Yo8 Wege Stoll Ariund

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