John Butler Trio
A Star Is Born

A star is born
like so many before
but he shines bright
he lightens up all my life
How proud I am
he made me a real man
I curse the days
I have to go away from you child

Curse the days
Curse the days

I hold his hand
somehow he understands
And all day long
we climb and slide
and sing his songs
I know I am
I'm drifting from my plan
I curse the days
I have to go away from you boy

Curse the days
Curse the days

A star is born

Mirror lyrics:

A star is born

Curse the days
Curse the days

I have to go away from you boy
I curse the days
I'm drifting from my plan
I know I am
and sing his songs
we climb and slide
And all day long
somehow he understands
I hold his hand

Curse the days
Curse the days

I have to go away from you child
I curse the days
he made me a real man
How proud I am
he lightens up all my life
but he shines bright
like so many before
A star is born

Relevant Tags:
AA SStar IIs BBorn tar s orn A tSar sI oBrn z ztar js vorn zA zStar jIs vBorn Az Sztar Ijs Bvorn q wtar 9s gorn qA wStar 9Is gBorn
Aq Swtar I9s Bgorn s dtar ls norn sA dStar lIs nBorn As Sdtar Ils Bnorn w etar os horn wA eStar oIs hBorn Aw Setar Ios Bhorn x xtar ks Boorn
xA xStar kIs Brn Ax Sxtar Iks Bron atar 8s Bkrn aStar 8Is Bkorn Satar I8s Bokrn Sttar us B9rn Sar uIs B9orn Satr Ius Bo9rn
Sfar Iss B0rn Sftar I B0orn Stfar Is Bo0rn S5ar Iz Blrn S5tar Izs Blorn St5ar Isz Bolrn Shar Iw Birn Shtar Iws Biorn
Sthar Isw Boirn Syar Id Borrn Sytar Ids Bon Styar Isd Bonr S6ar Ie Bodn S6tar Ies Bodrn St6ar Ise Bordn Sgar Ix Bo4n
Sgtar Ixs Bo4rn Stgar Isx Bor4n Srar Ia Bogn Srtar Ias Bogrn

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