John Denver
Flying For Me

Well I guess that you probably know by now
I was one who wanted to fly
I wanted to ride on that arrow of fire right up into heaven
And I wanted to go for every man
Every child, every mother of children
I wanted to carry the dreams of all people right up to the stars

And I prayed that I'd find an answer there
Or maybe I would find a song
Giving a voice to all of the hearts that cannot be heard
And for all of the ones who live in fear
And all of those who stand apart
My being there would bring us a little step closer together

They were flying for me
They were flying for everyone
They were trying to see a brighter day for each and everyone

They gave us their light
They gave us their spirit and all they could be
They were flying for me
They were flying for me

And I wanted to wish on the Milky Way
And dance upon a falling star
I wanted to give myself and free myself, and join myself with it all

Given the chance to dream, it can be done
The promise of tomorrow is real
Children of spaceship Earth
The future belongs to us all

She was flying for me
She was flying for everyone
She was trying to see a brighter day for each and everyone

She gave us her light
She gave us her spirit and all she can be
She was flying for me
They were flying for me
They were flying for everyone
They were trying to see a brighter day for each and everyone
They gave us their light
They gave us their spirit and all they could be
They were flying for me.

Mirror lyrics:

They were flying for me.
They gave us their spirit and all they could be
They gave us their light
They were trying to see a brighter day for each and everyone
They were flying for everyone
They were flying for me
She was flying for me
She gave us her spirit and all she can be
She gave us her light

She was trying to see a brighter day for each and everyone
She was flying for everyone
She was flying for me

The future belongs to us all
Children of spaceship Earth
The promise of tomorrow is real
Given the chance to dream, it can be done

I wanted to give myself and free myself, and join myself with it all
And dance upon a falling star
And I wanted to wish on the Milky Way

They were flying for me
They were flying for me
They gave us their spirit and all they could be
They gave us their light

They were trying to see a brighter day for each and everyone
They were flying for everyone
They were flying for me

My being there would bring us a little step closer together
And all of those who stand apart
And for all of the ones who live in fear
Giving a voice to all of the hearts that cannot be heard
Or maybe I would find a song
And I prayed that I'd find an answer there

I wanted to carry the dreams of all people right up to the stars
Every child, every mother of children
And I wanted to go for every man
I wanted to ride on that arrow of fire right up into heaven
I was one who wanted to fly
Well I guess that you probably know by now

Relevant Tags:
FFlying FFor MMe lying or e lFying oFr eM clying cor je cFlying cFor jMe Fclying Fcor Mje rlying ror ke rFlying rFor kMe Frlying Fror Mke
glying gor ne gFlying gFor nMe Fglying Fgor Mne tlying tor Mee tFlying tFor M Ftlying Ftor Me vlying vor Ms vFlying vFor Mse Fvlying Fvor Mes
dlying dor M3 dFlying dFor M3e Fdlying Fdor Me3 Fllying Foor Mf Fying Fr Mfe Fyling Fro Mef Fkying Fkr Mr Fklying Fkor Mre Flkying Fokr Mer
Foying F9r M4 Folying F9or M4e Floying Fo9r Me4 Fpying F0r Md Fplying F0or Mde Flpying Fo0r Med Flyying Flr Mw Fling Flor Mwe Fliyng Folr Mew
Flging Fir Flgying Fior Flyging Foir Flhing Forr Flhying Fo Flyhing For Fl6ing Fod Fl6ying Fodr Fly6ing Ford
Fluing Fo4 Fluying Fo4r Flyuing For4 Fl7ing Fog Fl7ying Fogr Fly7ing Forg Fljing Fot Fljying Fotr Flyjing Fort
Flting Fo5 Fltying Fo5r

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