John Prine
Quit Hollerin' At Me

"I don't want your big french fry
I don't want your car
I don't want to buy no soap
From no washed-up movie star
You are so much louder
Than the show i wanna hear
With your sugarless gum
Gee, but i'm dumb
Non-alcoholic beer
It's enough to make a grown man
Blow up his own tv
Quit hollerin' at me
Quit hollerin' at me

I heard you the first time
I heard myself say
Seems like the little woman
Is getting bigger every day
You don't have to tell the neighbors
A little silence ain't no sin
They already think my name is
Where in the hell you been?
Louder, louder, louder, louder, louder
Quit hollerin' at me
Quit hollerin' at me
Whoa oh whoa oh
Sweet serenity
Whoa oh whoa oh
Quit hollerin' at me
Quit hollerin' at me

Ain't it great at the end of the day
When there ain't no sound around
Just me and the fence post
Staring each other down
Nothing but a big bunch of nothing
Driving me insane
Cause there ain't no voice that's louder
Than the one inside my brain
Hey you go on
Go on and let me be
Quit hollerin' at me
Quit hollerin' at me
Whoa oh whoa oh
Sweet serenity
Whoa oh whoa oh
Quit hollerin' at me
Quit hollerin' at me
Quit hollerin' at me
Quit hollerin' at me
Quit hollerin' at me"

Mirror lyrics:

Quit hollerin' at me"
Quit hollerin' at me
Quit hollerin' at me
Quit hollerin' at me
Quit hollerin' at me
Whoa oh whoa oh
Sweet serenity
Whoa oh whoa oh
Quit hollerin' at me
Quit hollerin' at me
Go on and let me be
Hey you go on
Than the one inside my brain
Cause there ain't no voice that's louder
Driving me insane
Nothing but a big bunch of nothing
Staring each other down
Just me and the fence post
When there ain't no sound around
Ain't it great at the end of the day

Quit hollerin' at me
Quit hollerin' at me
Whoa oh whoa oh
Sweet serenity
Whoa oh whoa oh
Quit hollerin' at me
Quit hollerin' at me
Louder, louder, louder, louder, louder
Where in the hell you been?
They already think my name is
A little silence ain't no sin
You don't have to tell the neighbors
Is getting bigger every day
Seems like the little woman
I heard myself say
I heard you the first time

Quit hollerin' at me
Quit hollerin' at me
Blow up his own tv
It's enough to make a grown man
Non-alcoholic beer
Gee, but i'm dumb
With your sugarless gum
Than the show i wanna hear
You are so much louder
From no washed-up movie star
I don't want to buy no soap
I don't want your car
"I don't want your big french fry

Relevant Tags:
QQuit HHollerin' AAt MMe uit ollerin' t e uQit oHllerin' tA eM auit jollerin' zt je aQuit jHollerin' zAt jMe Qauit Hjollerin' Azt Mje
2uit uollerin' qt ke 2Quit uHollerin' qAt kMe Q2uit Huollerin' Aqt Mke wuit nollerin' st ne wQuit nHollerin' sAt nMe Qwuit Hnollerin' Ast Mne
suit bollerin' wt Mee sQuit bHollerin' wAt M Qsuit Hbollerin' Awt Me 1uit gollerin' xt Ms 1Quit gHollerin' xAt Mse Q1uit Hgollerin' Axt Mes
Quuit yollerin' Att M3 Qit yHollerin' A M3e Qiut Hyollerin' At Me3 Qhit Hoollerin' Af Mf Qhuit Hllerin' Aft Mfe Quhit Hlolerin' Atf Mef
Q7it Hkllerin' A5 Mr Q7uit Hkollerin' A5t Mre Qu7it Hokllerin' At5 Mer Qkit H9llerin' Ah M4 Qkuit H9ollerin' Aht M4e Qukit Ho9llerin' Ath Me4
Qiit H0llerin' Ay Md Qiuit H0ollerin' Ayt Mde Quiit Ho0llerin' Aty Med Q8it Hlllerin' A6 Mw Q8uit Hlollerin' A6t Mwe Qu8it Holllerin' At6 Mew
Qjit Hillerin' Ag Qjuit Hiollerin' Agt Qujit Hoillerin' Atg Qyit Ar Qyuit Holerin' Art Quyit Hollerin' Atr
Hoklerin' Qut Quti Holklerin' Qujt Hoolerin' Quijt Hololerin' Qu9t Hoplerin'
Qu9it Hopllerin' Qui9t Holplerin' Qult Qulit Quilt Holelrin' Quot Holkerin'
Quoit Quiot Hollkerin' Qukt Holoerin' Quikt Holloerin' Qu8t Holperin' Qui8t Hollperin'
Quut Holleerin' Hollrin' Quiut Hollrein' Quitt Hollsrin' Qui Hollserin' Quit Hollesrin'

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