John Pierce
I'd Still Have You

I used to blame it on the clock

'Cause I swear it stops when you're with good friends

An' Billy sayin', "One more shot"

An' damn that shot always turned to ten

Oh, but I'm afraid the truth

Is if it weren't for me, I'd still have you

I used to blame it on the wind

When it got still it meant the fish were bitin'

Used to think the devil's to blame

For the hell I've raised an' all that fightin'

Yeah, it'd make a good excuse

If it weren't for me, I'd still have you

No, it ain't my fault, that's a real nice thought

Only problem is, it just ain't true

An' still I curse the night an' everything in sight

Anything to keep from feeling like a fool

'Cause if it weren't for me, I'd still have you

I used to point my finger at

The fact that you were born to money

I could never measure up

No poor boy's love could ever keep you, honey

But a lie won't hide the truth

If it weren't for me, I'd still have you

No, it ain't my fault, that's a real nice thought

Only problem is, it just ain't true

An' still I curse the night an' everything in sight

Anything to keep from feeling like a fool

'Cause if it weren't for me, I'd still have you

I used to blame it on the clock

'Cause I swear it stops when you're with good friends

An' Billy sayin', "One more shot"

An' damn that shot always turned to ten

Mirror lyrics:

An' damn that shot always turned to ten

An' Billy sayin', "One more shot"

'Cause I swear it stops when you're with good friends

I used to blame it on the clock

'Cause if it weren't for me, I'd still have you

Anything to keep from feeling like a fool

An' still I curse the night an' everything in sight

Only problem is, it just ain't true

No, it ain't my fault, that's a real nice thought

If it weren't for me, I'd still have you

But a lie won't hide the truth

No poor boy's love could ever keep you, honey

I could never measure up

The fact that you were born to money

I used to point my finger at

'Cause if it weren't for me, I'd still have you

Anything to keep from feeling like a fool

An' still I curse the night an' everything in sight

Only problem is, it just ain't true

No, it ain't my fault, that's a real nice thought

If it weren't for me, I'd still have you

Yeah, it'd make a good excuse

For the hell I've raised an' all that fightin'

Used to think the devil's to blame

When it got still it meant the fish were bitin'

I used to blame it on the wind

Is if it weren't for me, I'd still have you

Oh, but I'm afraid the truth

An' damn that shot always turned to ten

An' Billy sayin', "One more shot"

'Cause I swear it stops when you're with good friends

I used to blame it on the clock

Relevant Tags:
II'd SStill HHave YYou 'd till ave ou 'Id tSill aHve oYu j'd ztill jave gou jI'd zStill jHave gYou Ij'd Sztill Hjave Ygou
9'd wtill uave hou 9I'd wStill uHave hYou I9'd Swtill Huave Yhou l'd dtill nave 6ou lI'd dStill nHave 6You Il'd Sdtill Hnave Y6ou
o'd etill bave uou oI'd eStill bHave uYou Io'd Setill Hbave Yuou k'd xtill gave 7ou kI'd xStill gHave 7You Ik'd Sxtill Hgave Y7ou
8'd atill yave jou 8I'd aStill yHave jYou I8'd Satill Hyave Yjou u'd Sttill Haave tou uI'd Sill Hve tYou Iu'd Sitll Hvae Ytou
I''d Sfill Hzve Yoou Id Sftill Hzave Yu Id' Stfill Hazve Yuo I'dd S5ill Hqve Yku I' S5till Hqave Ykou I'd St5ill Haqve Yoku
I'x Shill Hsve Y9u I'xd Shtill Hsave Y9ou I'dx Sthill Hasve Yo9u I'e Syill Hwve Y0u I'ed Sytill Hwave Y0ou I'de Styill Hawve Yo0u
I'f S6ill Hxve Ylu I'fd S6till Hxave Ylou I'df St6ill Haxve Yolu I'r Sgill Havve Yiu I'rd Sgtill Hae Yiou I'dr Stgill Haev Yoiu

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